May, 2009
World History – 5/29/09
Bellwork: Pg 1061 Document Based Questions 1-2 Q&A Objectives: Analyze China’s policies toward capitalism and democracy.Classwork:Frontline Video – Tank ManPg 1063 Terms & Names Video Questions: What did Tank man do that was so significant? Why do you think he did what he did? Why were students protesting at Tiananmen Square? Why did the government […]
Business Law – 5/29/09
Bellwork: 1. What are some of the contracts that minors can make for goods or services that are not necessaries that cannot be disaffirmed? Objectives: Review for Final Exam Monday Classwork: business-law-final-review-sheet Turn both completed sheets in on Monday for 10 Summative Points Final Exam is Monday Turn in Absent/Late Notebooks
Night School – 5/29/09
I. Business Vocabulary Chapter 37 Page 607 Write out definitions and put the terms next to the correct one II. Chapter 37 Review Sheet III. Chapter 37 iLearn Test IV. Review Old Night School Blogs – See Wednesday Complete any missing work
Business Law – 5/28/09
I. Turn In Your Notebooks II. Final Exam Review Sheet – business-law-final-review-sheet III. Final Exam on Monday IV. Friday 2:30-4:00 iLearn Makeups
World History – 5/28/09
Bellwork: Pg 1054 Geography Skillbuilder1-2 Q&A Objectives: Summarize the reforms and changes in Europe. Classwork: Pgs. 1052-1058 Guided Reading 35-4 Pg 1058 Terms & Names (4) & 3-5 Q &A
World History – 5/27/09
Bellwork: Pg 1057 Geography Skillbuilder1-2 Q&A Objectives: Review the struggle for democracy Video Putin’s Plan Zimbabwbe: On the Brink Classwork Write a one paragraph summary for each video Paragraph = 4-5 sentences
Business Law – 5/27/09
Bellwork: P 167 1-3 Q&A Objectives: Recognize the time frame a contract can be disaffirmed Discuss the effects of age misrepresentation on contractual responsibilities Identify parties who lack contractual capacity Explain the role of capacity in an organization Classwork: Pg 164 Vocabulary 1-11 Terms & Definitions Pg 165 Thinking Critically 20-23 Q&A Notebook Check Tomorrow […]
Night School – 5/27/09
I. MoneySKILL Modules Follow the directions for 5/20/09 You will need to print off 1-10 and 11-15 These grades count II. Micro Type Pro Red Section Turn in N-P Every additional section you complete will be 3 points extra credit
Business Law – 5/26/09
Bellwork: P 157 A Question of Ethics? 1-2 Q&A Objectives: Recognize the time frame a contract can be disaffirmed Discuss the effects of age misrepresentation on contractual responsibilities 9-2 Notes to Discuss Classwork: Pg 163 1-4 & 5-8 Q&A Pg 159 1-6 & 7-9 Q&A
World History – 5/26/09
Bellwork: Pg 1049 Geography Skillbuilder 1-2 Q&A Objectives: Explain the breakup of the Soviet Union.RESA Video Clips Classwork: Read & Discuss Pgs. 1046-1051 Chapter 35-3 Guided Reading Pg 1051 Terms & Names (7)