November, 2011
Computer Applications – 12/01/11
I. Bellwork On iLearn II. Objective: Apply Graphics to slides Create a Master Slide and Format III. Classwork A. Pgs. 514-516 Better Burger Part 1 B. Page 525 Questions & Answers #11-18
Economics – 11/30/11
I. Bellwork: Q&A Page 269 Economic Analysis Page 273 Economic Analysis Page 274 The Global Economy -On average how much does the U.S. spend per pupil for education? II. Objective: Examine the impact of deficits, surpluses, and the national debt. III. Section 10-3 Discuss Pages 277-282 10-2 and 10-3 IV. Classwork Page 277 Vocabulary (12) […]
Computer Applications – 11/30/11
I. Bellwork On iLearn II. Objective: Apply Themes to slides Apply footers III. Classwork A. Pgs. 509-511 Gemstones Part 2 of 2 B. Pg 525 Questions & Answers #1-9
Economics – 11/29/11
I. Bellwork: Q&A 1-2 II. Objective: Analyze the ways in which federal, state, and local governments spend revenue for public services and social welfare III. Extra Credit and Project Discussion IV. Chapter 10-2 Notes & Discussion 10-2 V. Classwork 10-2 Guided Reading Page 267 Vocabulary (13) Page 275 #2-8 Q&A
Computer Applications – 11/29/11
I. Bellwork Page 499 – Copy PowerPoint screen and label parts II. Objective: Plan and create a Presentation Add, Delete, and Edit slides III. Classwork Turn in Writing Assignment Pgs. 504-507 Gemstones Part 1 Pg 525 Questions & Answers #1-8
Economics – 11/28/11
I. Bellwork: Page 259- Analyzing the Issue 1-3 Q&A II. Objective: Analyze the ways in which governments generate revenue on consumption, income and wealth and use that revenue for public services and social welfare III. Videos: A. Governmental Spending Video B. Pork Barrel Projects 2 IV. Chapter-10PPT-1 – Copy (For Next Test) V. Classwork Page […]
Computer Applications-11/28/11
I. Bellwork Summarize in 3-5 sentences the important skills and concepts you learn in Chapter7 and how they may benefit you. II. Objective Use dates and times in formulas Excel’s Applications-Writing Assignment III. Classwork Pages 332-333 Project Timeline Writing Assignment-Summative Directions: writing prompt Business Dept
Economics – Extra Credit
Extra Credit 10 Summative Points Read the directions at the link below: Essay Contest -Directions/Rules Essay must be typed and e-mailed to me at All submissions must be received by January 5, 2012 Your submission will be entered into the contest.
Economics – 11/22/11
I. Bellwork: A. Explain the quote below and state why you agree or disagree. “We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.” – Justice Louis Brandeis B. Page 254 Examining the Newsclip 1-2 Q&A II. Objective: Review concepts […]
Computer Applications – 11/22/11
I. Bellwork Page 317 #12 a & b II. Objective Assess students on creating and formatting charts using Excel III. Review/Discussion IV. Classwork Practice: P 329 – Exercise 15 V. Chapter 7 Excel Charts Test A. Part 1 – Application Problem on iLearn B. Part 2 – iLearn Test