January, 2014
Economics – 1/31/14
I. Bellwork • Construct a Bubble Map with at least 4 adjectives that describe characteristics that will help you succeed in the course and in school for the 2nd semester II. Objective SWD the ability to meet the course technology requirements by accessing the class blog and iLearn in the media center and taking a […]
Economics – 1/30/14
I. Bellwork: Please complete the Personal Inventory II. Objective: SWD an understanding of the course, its policies and procedures through discussion and copying various procedure maps in their notebooks. III. Read & Discuss Course Syllabus – Economics Syllabus brochure A. Take it home and get it signed IV. Class-Procedures-Economics A. Discussion and Copy them in your Notebook […]
Economics – 1/27/14
2014 Winter First Day – Information I. Schedule 1st hour: 7:20 am – 8:00 am 2nd hour: 8:05 am – 8:30 am 3rd hour: 8:35 am – 9:00 am 4th hour: 9:05 am – 9:30 am 5th hour: 9:35 am – 10:00 am 6th hour: 10:05 am – 10:30 am Counselor Schedule Change Form” only to the students that have these issues with their schedule: Hole in their schedule / Incomplete schedule A class […]
Economics – 1/21/14 – 1/23/14
I. Turn in Books or receive a Delinquency/Hold for $110 II. Turn in any Participation Sheets III. Quick review of equilibrium problem on the blog last week IV. Inspirational/Motivational Music & Clips V. Final Exam Part 1 & Part 2 Tues., Jan 21 Wed., Jan 22 Thurs., Jan 23 1st hour Exam (90 min) 7:20-8:50 […]
Economics – 1/18/14
I. Bellwork Complete Instructor Evaluation Winter 2013 – Economics on iLearn II. Objective Complete Course Evaluation and Post Test. Use post test results to reflect upon those Economic skills and concepts that need to reviewed before the final exam. III. Classwork Economics – Post Test on iLearn You will be able to access and review […]
Economics – 1/16/14
I. Bellwork Trading Blocks Primary and Secondary Sources Workbook -Separate sheet 1-4 Q&A II. Objective: Analyze how the decisions made by a country’s central bank (or the Federal Reserve) impact a nation’s international trade Connect insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole III. Turn in Your Homework IV. Start turning […]
Economics – 1/15/14
I. Bellwork: Consider the following two states Assume they produce only these two goods. Michigan Minnesota Apples 12 8 Cherries 10 6 Which state has the absolute advantage in apples? ________________________ Which state has the absolute advantage in cherries? ________________________ Which state has the comparative advantage in apples? Show relationships ______________________ Which state has the […]
Economics – 1/14/14
I. Bellwork: Q&A List two states and a product each state has an advantage in producing. List two countries and a product each country has an advantage in producing. II. Objective: Examine how comparative advantages and globalization have led to increasing trade. Analyze the changing relationship between the American economy and the global economy. III. […]
Economics 1/13/13
I. Bellwork: Q&A Bank Deposits Required Reserve $ Amount of Required Reserve $ Bank May Loan Possible Maximum Increase in the Money Supply $40,000.00 10% ? ? ? $25,000.00 20% ? ? ? II. Objective Demonstrate an understanding of the Federal Reserve, its role, and the use of monetary policy. Evaluate various explanations […]
Economics – 1/10/14
I. Bellwork: Q&A What does the acronym FDIC stand for? What does FDIC do? Why is it important? II. Objective Explain and Identify how the Federal Reserve uses monetary policy as a means to achieve macroeconomic goals Calculate how the money supply is impacted by the reserve requirement. III. Review (Macro) Episode 30: Creating Money […]