April, 2018
Marketing 2 – 5/01/18
I. Bellwork iLearn Chapter 21 Student Activities Page 221 Q&A 1-3 II. Objectives: Apply concepts and terminology associated with the channels of distribution on the exam. Define a business pitch and describe its importance Articulate the qualities of an effective business pitch Pinpoint the essential pieces of information that belong within a brief business pitch […]
Management 2 – 5/01/18
I. Bellwork Page 534 Think Critically 1,3,4 & 5 II. Objectives: Identify the different forms of cyberbullying and understand its personal, emotional and legal repercussions. Pinpoint strategies for preventing cyberbullying and helping those who have been cyberbullied. Apply terminology and concepts pertaining to the management of production and operations III. Classwork Begin Everfi: Module 6: […]
Accounting 2 – 5/01/18
I. Bellwork Pages 370-371: Progressive Income Taxes Q&A 1-3 II. Objectives Prepare a payroll register determining total earnings, total deductions and net pay Prepare a payroll check for net pay and for individual employees III. Notebook Check Tomorrow IV. Chapter 12 Test Thursday V. Classwork Aplia Page 373 12M Mastery Problem
Management 2 – 4/30/18
I. Bell work Chapter 19 Activity Guide Page 150 II. Objectives Participate in a Kahoot competition to review terminology and concepts pertaining to the management of production and operations III. Chapter 19 Test tomorrow IV. Classwork Discuss Chapter 19 Review Sheet Chapter 19 Kahoot https://kahoot.it/challenge/0119365 Password 0119365 V. Exit Ticket: Q&A What are you finding […]
Marketing 2 – 4/30/18
I. Bellwork Page 511 Q&A 1-3 II. Objectives: Review concepts and terminology related to Channel Distribution and distribution planning Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text and apply them their appropriate context or situation. III. Notebook Check tomorrow IV. Chapter 21 Test tomorrow V. Classwork iLearn Chapter 21 […]
Accounting 2 – 4/30/18
I. Bellwork Reviewing a Case of Employee Fraud Summary: Explain what the employee did and how. What are some practices that could prevent this from occurring? II. Objectives Justify the use of a payroll checking account. Prepare employee payroll checks. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained […]
Management 2 – 4/27/18
I. Bellwork: Summarize: Explain what Amazon is doing, the criteria they are using to base their decision, what local governments are doing, and provide your opinion. Rules of Engagement: How Cities Are Courting Amazon’s New Headquarters II. Objective: Analyze marketing research data and provide product recommends based upon the analysis Review terminology and concepts pertaining […]
Marketing 2 – 2/27/18
I. Bellwork Q&A Summarize the article and how it relates to distribution channels. Explain the benefits and drawbacks along with your opinion. (4-6 sentences) Amazon Article II. Objectives: Review concepts and terminology related to Channel Distribution and distribution planning Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary […]
Accounting 2 – 4/27/18
I. Bellwork: Q&A What is the Social Security tax rate? What is the Medicare tax rate? Explain how withholding allowances influence the federal income tax withheld, II. Objectives: Prepare a payroll register. Prepare employee earnings record. Explain the steps how net pay is determined on a payroll register III. Discussion/Notebook Payroll Register – Map Employee […]
Marketing 2 – 4/26/18
I. Bellwork Q&A A, P 495 Reading Check B. P496 Figure 21.1 C, P497 Figure 21.2 II. Objectives: Explain distribution planning. Name and describe the three levels of distribution intensity. Explain the effect of the Internet on distribution planning Describe the challenges of international distribution planning. III. Distribution Planning P.502-507 A. Discussion/Notebook Distribution Intensity – […]