September, 2007

Computer Applications 10/01/07

 Objective:  Apply proper formatting techniques as directed to create various word processing documents  I.  Bellwork pg 157 #33 a & b -Answer olny  II.  Classwork  A.  Exercise 9 pg 162 B.  Exercise 10 pg 163 C.  Micro Type Pro – Red Section

Accounting 10/01/07

I.  Bellwork Use a T-account to demonstrate the debit, credit, normal balance, increase and decrease sides for an asset and also do the same for a liability. Objectives: Define accounting terms related to analyzing transactions into debit and credit parts.·  Identify accounting practices related to analyzing transactions into debit and credit parts.· Use T accounts to analyze […]

Keyboarding 10/01/07

I.  Bellwork If one pound of cucumbers costs $2.79 at Store #1 and a 1/4 pound of cucumbers costs $.69 at Store #2 which store has the best (cheapest) price for a 1/2 pound of cucumbers?  Show the cost for for each store.  Objectives: To improve use of Space Bar, Left Shift key, and Enter. To improve keying speed […]

Keyboarding 9/28/07

I.  Bellwork If two pounds of squash costs $4.69 at Store #1 and a 1/2 pound of squash costs $1.09 at Store #2 which store has the best (cheapest) price for a pound of squash?  Show the cost for a pound for each store. OBJECTIVE:  To combine smoothly Left Shift and . (period) with all other learned keys. […]

Computer Applications 9/28/07

 Objective:  Apply proper formatting techniques as directed to create various word processing documents  I.  Bellwork Pg 157 A.  31a, b, & c (Answers Only) II.  Classwork A.  Widget Picnic Pgs 151-152 – Print B.  Exercise 5 pgs 160-161 C.  Exercsie 9 pg 162 D.  Micro Type Pro

Acctg 9/28/07

 Objectives· Define accounting terms related to analyzing transactions into debit and credit parts. Identify accounting practices related to analyzing transactions into debit and credit parts I.  Bellwork Pg.44 A.  Terms (4) + 1-2 Q+A II.  Notebook Work Pg. 41 A.  Critical Thinking 1-2 Q+A III.  3-1 Analyzing Transactions into Debit+Credit Parts A. Read-Discuss Pgs. 40-43 […]

Acctg 9/27/07

Objective Demonstrate the ability to analyze and determine accounts affected from basic transactions and construct a Balance Sheet I.  Bellwork: (5 minutes) A.  If the owner took $500.00 worth of supplies out of the business for personal use, what accounts would be affected and how? B.  If you pay $200.00 on account.  What accounts are affected […]

Computer Applications 9/27/07

Objective:     Create and save a word document as an HTML file  I.  Bellwork List and describe 4 different types of tab stops (Pg 135)  II. Classwork A.  Pg 157 Review Questions #24-30 Questions and Answers B.  Pg 151-512 Widget Picnic  III.  Notebook Work Based on the Chart Education & Training Pays 2006.  1.  What […]

Keyboarding 9/27/07

I.  Bellwork If one pound of tomatoes costs $2.89 at Store #1 and a 1/4 pound of tomatoes costs .79 at Store #2 which store has the best (cheapest) price for 1/2 a pound of tomatoes?  Show the cost for ½ a pound for each store. Objective: To learn reach technique for Left Shift and […]

Keyboarding 9/26/07

I.  Bellwork Determine the points earned using your scale. Only the first number of each activity is used to determine the score. Build Skill       Game Lesson 1                                                23/25           24/26 R1                                                          18/20            19/21 Lesson 2                                            17/22                21/24 Lesson 3                                           17/21                 17/19 Lesson 4                                           15/17                 16/18 Objectives: To learn reach technique for N & G To combine smoothly […]

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