November, 2017
Marketing – 12/01/17
I. Bellwork: Q&A Types_Costs of Credit(1) A. Explain the differences between each (3) of the types of credit. B. Provide an example for each type of credit. II. Objectives: Discuss factors that impact interest rates and credit Integrate information through discussion, supplemental reading, and creation of a tree map to distinguish between the types of […]
Accounting – 12/01/17
I, Bellwork Q&A A. What classification of accounts are include on the balance sheet columns of the worksheet? (3) B. What classification of accounts are include on the income statement columns of the worksheet? (2) II. Objectives Journalize and post the adjusting entries for supplies and prepaid insurance. Explain the necessity and the steps in […]
Management – 11/30/17
I. Bellwork Q&A Check Point Page 66 Check Point Page 69 II. Objectives: Describe three views of employees that affect the type and amount of management supervision. III. Discussion/Notebook Brace Map – Management Styles based on perception of employees Pros/Cons IV. Classwork A. Internet Research – Find 3 different Business Leaders and summarize their leadership/management […]
Marketing – 11/30/17
I, Bellwork Page 451 1-3 Q&A III. Objectives Identify the different types of advertising media citing examples Explain the advantage and disadvantages associated with various types of advertising Construct an organizational map with identifying different types of social media advertisements and discuss the effectiveness of each III. Notebook/Discussion Rich Media Advertising RICH MEDIA AD EXAMPLES […]
Accounting -11/30/17
I. Bellwork Page 175 1-5 Q&A II. Objectives: Prepare the Balance Sheet and Income Statement columns of a work sheet. Total and rule the work sheet. Follow and apply the steps for finding errors on a work sheet III. Discussion/Notebook Work Net Loss or Net Income Correcting Errors IV. Classwork: On Your Own (p. 175). […]
Management – 11/29/17
I. Bellwork Page 64 Critical Thinking 1-3 Q&A II. Objectives: Describe three views of employees that affect the type and amount of management supervision. Construct a tree map differentiating among three leadership styles through discussion and reading the text by III. Discussion/Notebook Brace Map – Management Styles Management Training: Leadership Styles Tree map – Leadership […]
Marketing – 11/29/17
I. Bellwork Q&A A. What is the last advertisement you remember?. What about it was memorable? B. Reading Check p. 441 II. Objectives Construct a tree map Identify the different types of advertising media citing examples Explain the advantage and disadvantages associated with various types of advertising III. Notebook/Discussion Tree map: Types of Media Advertising […]
Accounting – 11/29/14
I. Bellwork Page 168 1-2 Q&A II. Objectives: Prepare the Balance Sheet and Income Statement columns of a work sheet. Total and rule the work sheet. Apply the steps for finding errors on a work sheet III. Discussion/Notebook Work A. Explain the purpose of the financial statements: balance sheet income statement B. Determining and Recording […]
Marketing – 11/28/17
I. Bellwork Page 438 Visual Literacy Q&A II. Objectives Explain the concept and purpose of advertising in the promotional mix. Distinguish between promotional and institutional advertising Construct a tree map Identify the different types of advertising media citing examples Explain the advantage and disadvantages associate with various types of advertising III. Notebook/Discussion Brace map: Purpose […]
Accounting – 11/28/17
I. Bellwork Page 162 1-2 Q&A II. Objectives: Analyze and explain the adjustments for supplies and prepaid insurance. Explain and create a sequence map demonstrating the four questions to ask when recording adjusting entries on a work sheet Apply the proper procedures to record and complete the Adjustments columns of a work sheet. III. Discussion/Notebook […]