September, 2014

Economics – 10/01/14

I.  Bellwork:  Economic Cartoon Complete Four SquareII.  Objectives: Complete Chapter 2 Assessment applying concepts and principles which focus on how the allocation of goods and services, the evaluation of economic performance, and the roles of government in the economy. Determine the central ideas or information by providing an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships […]

Economics – 9/30/14

I.  Bellwork              Q&A What is happening in the cartoon? What is the point that is being made? II.  Objective: Review concepts and principles which focus on how economic systems allocate resources, the evaluation of economic performance, and the role of government in the economy. Examine the economic freedoms and rights associated with living in a […]

Economics – 9/29/14

I.  Bellwork : Complete – 4 Square John Stuart Mill – The Role of Government 4 Square II,  Objective: Analyze government’s role in the economy in relationship to the economic goals of society. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the […]

Economics – 9/26/14

Bellwork Eminent Domain and Property Rights  Q&A Identify two restrictions under which the government must operate when exercising eminent domain authority. Explain why the U.S. Supreme Court’s statement in the Kelo case is confusing? Explain the two qualities a public good must have? Why are private property rights important? What do you believe is the […]

Economics – 9/25/14

I.  Bellwork:  Section 2-2 Q&A Explain how laws against false advertising promote economic equity. (see p. 45) What can citizens do to influence the economic goals of the country? (See p. 46) II.  Objective:  Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media in order to address a question or solve […]

Economics – 9/24/14

I.  Bellwork Page 38  Figure 2.1  Economic Analysis Q&A Page 40  Figure 2.2 Economic Analysis Q&A II.  Objective: Identify and apply the achievement of economic goals which are used to evaluate economic performance. Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources. […]

Economics – 9/23/14

I.  Bellwork  No Place for Entrepreneurship – Questions & Answers II.  Objective: Identify the characteristics of command, traditional, and market economies and examine how these are employed under different governmental systems. Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evidence, acknowledging where the text leaves matters uncertain.. III. Class […]

Economics – 9/22/14

I. Bellwork   Read the article and summarize (1) what happened, (2) why it occurred, and (3)its impact. Mohammed Bouazizi II.  Objective Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evidence. Identify the characteristics of command, traditional, and market economies and examine how these are employed under different […]

Economics – 9/19/14

I.  Bellwork Q&A Page 31 Analyzing the Issue 1-2 II. SWD the ability to: P3.3 Produce clear and coherent 6+1 essay justifying a decision on whether to increase the minimum wage based upon discussion of the opposing views (bell work), videos, and the construction of double bubble map. CE 1.1.2 utilize a variety of pre-writing […]

Economics – 9/18/14

I. Bellwork Complete a 4 square on the cartoon below II.  Objective:  Evaluate  differing points of view on the same  issue by assessing the authors’ claims, reasoning, and evidence. Integrate information from diverse sources, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources to develop their own stance.  III.  Classwork –  […]

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