September, 2017

Accounting – 9/29/17

I.  Bellwork: Questions & Answers List and  answer  the Four Essential Questions relating to the transaction below? Paid repair expense of $235.00 II.  Objectives: Analyze and interpret transactions for operating a business into debit and credit parts. Restate and apply the four questions necessary to analyze all transactions into debit and credit parts III.  Classwork […]

Management – 9/29/17

I.  Bellwork:  On Google Classroom II.  Objective Students will apply their understanding of concepts and skills necessary to be an effect supervisor for examination purposes. Collaborate to discuss and review question prior to the exam III.  Discuss Chapter 2 Review Sheet IV.  Chapter 2 Exam V.  Time permitting work on EverfI    

Marketing – 9/29/17

I.  Bellwork  Go to Find the SCORING tab Questions  Answer What three skill areas are the most important in determining your individual leader board score? Explain how to earn points toward your leadership score. Explain how to earn points toward your engagement score.   II.  Objective: Examine and compare various options to make financial […]

Management – 9/28/2017

I.  Bellwork  Page 38 What do you think?  Q&A II.  Objectives: Create possible test questions by review thinking maps and visuals relating to  management, supervision, and decision making. Review key terminology and  concepts of management, supervision, and decision making. III.  Chapter 2 Test Tomorrow IV.  Classwork  (Groups) A.  Based upon the thinking maps we have […]

Marketing – 9/28/17

I.  Bellwork  Identify a popular online/phone app.  Using the 4 P’s on the marketing mix describe it’s marketing strategy for each category.  II.  Objective: Properly apply marketing terminology and concepts to answer questions on the summative assessment. Analyze and describe the marketing mix for an app provider.  III.  Turn in Homework  IV.  Guest Speaker Monday […]

Accounting – 9/28/17

I.  Bellwork: Questions & Answers A.   List and  answer  the Four Essential Questions relating to the transaction below? Sold Services on account to Davis Enterprises $3500.00 II.  Objectives: Analyze and interpret transactions for operating a business into debit and credit parts. Restate and apply the four questions necessary to analyze transactions affecting the owner’s equity […]

Management – 9/27/17

I. Bellwork:  Google Classroom If you were to become a supervisor, explain what you believe would be the most difficult part of your job. II.  Objective Collaborate to analyze scenarios and apply management decisions to offer various explanations and solutions based upon concepts covered  in the text III.  Discussion Review and discuss previous questions from […]

Marketing – 9/27/17

I.  Bellwork  Google Classrom:  II.  Objectives:  Explain how components of the core marketing functions and marketing mix contribute to a successful strategy. Apply content specific terminology to analyze marketing concepts select and identify key concepts throughout the first chapter and formulate questions  III.  Turn in Homework  IV.  Classwork: For each section (3) in Chapter 1:  […]

Accounting – 9/27/2017

I.  Bellwork: Questions & Answers What are the Four Essential Questions to Answer for each Transaction? Apply and answer the Four Essential Questions  for the transaction below? Paid Cash on Account to Hank’s Hardware $500.00 II.  Objectives: Analyze and interpret transactions for operating a business into debit and credit parts. III.   Small Quiz on 2-1 […]

Accounting – 9/26/2017

I.  Bellwork Google Classroom – Increase & Decrease Side II.  Objectives: Restate and apply the four questions necessary to analyze transactions for starting a business into debit and credit parts Follow precisely a multistep procedure when analyzing how transactions affect accounts; analyze the results based on explanations in the text. III. Notebook/Discussion PPT 2-2 Four  […]

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