October, 2016

Sociology – 11/01/16

I.  Bellwork –  Page 57 Q&A Reading Checks (2) II.  Objectives: Cite examples of the components of culture, cultural structure, and cultural variances by evaluating various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual concepts. Identify scenarios where culture, status, and roles are emphasized. III. Mean Girls Questions Mean-Girls-Questions (1)

Personal Finance – 11/01/16

I.  Bellwork Show your work A person makes $1500 semi-monthly. He works 46 hours in a week. What are his gross wages? Hint: figure out annual pay and then hourly pay If you make $2800 bi-weekly and work 90 hours in that biweekly period, what are your gross wages? II.  Objectives Content OBJ – use […]

Economics – 11/01/16

I.  Bellwork Page 119 Economic Analysis Q&A Page 125 Economic Analysis Q&A II.  Objective: Examine how changes in labor affect output. – Theory of Production Construct a production function and identify the stages of production Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evidence. III.   Problems with a […]

Sociology – 10/31/16

I.  Bellwork – Q&A Page 53 Questions & Answers 1-2 #3 Explain the concept of Six Degrees of Separation. II.  Objectives: Differentiate between status and roles. Describe the various types of status Analyze how role strain and role conflict impact individuals and society by viewing videos and applying the concepts to themselves. III. Discussion Introduction […]

Personal Finance – 10/31/2016

I.  Bellwork A.   How many standard work hours are in a: day week month year II.  Objectives: Content OBJ -calculate  gross pay based upon minimum wage laws Lang OBJ – create a thinking map  explaining how to calculate  gross wages based upon Michigan’s minimum wage laws. III.  Notebook  What is the Michigan Minimum Wage? IV.  […]

Economics – 10/31/16

I.   Bellwork: A.   Illustrate each of the following by constructing a simple supply curve graph: an increase in quantity supplied a decrease in supply an increase in supply a decrease in quantity supplied II.   Objective Utilize supply schedules to express supply graphically and analyze how the Law of Supply is represented. Analyze and identify circumstances […]

Personal Finance – 10/28/16

I.  Bellwork – Show Your Work A.  If you make $420 weekly and work 42 hours in that weekly period, what are your gross wages? B.  If you make $900 bi-weekly and work 83 hours in that biweekly period, what are your gross wages? II.  Objectives: Content OBJ -calculate  gross pay based upon minimum wage […]

Sociology – 10/28/16

I.  Bellwork Examine the diagram on Page 56. Complete a similar diagram for yourself with at least 3 different statuses. Explain two Role Strains you have. Identify and explain at least one role conflict you have II.  Objectives Demonstrate how status is determined and identify the related roles affiliated with attaining various statuses. Determine the […]

Economics – 10/28/16

I.  Bellwork: Q&A Explain and illustrate with simple graphs how a change in quantity supply is similar to a change is quantity demand. Explain and illustrate with simple graphs how a change in supply is similar to a change in demand. II.  Objective: Utilize supply schedules to express supply graphically and analyze how the Law […]

Sociology – 10/27/2016

I.  Bellwork Four Square Article: What is your status II.  Objectives: Demonstrate how status is determined and identify the related roles affiliated with attaining various statuses. Determine the central ideas or information and provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas. Construct thinking maps to demonstrate the concepts […]

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