April, 2011

Multimedia – 4/29/11

This project will take the next 3 classes You will be assigned a year in the 1990’s and will create a mixbook scrapbook for that year highlighting important events with pictures and text.  Mixbook.com Examine the link for examples of how a yearbook may look: Mixbook project The rubric is how you will be graded: […]

Economics – 4/29/11

I.  Bellwork: Q&A Page 279 Economic Analysis Page 280 Economic Analysis Page 282 Economic Analysis II.  Objective: Examine the impact of deficits, surpluses, and the national debt. III.  Chapter 9 & 10 Test on Tuesday A.  Everything that was on the Chapter 9 Quiz B.  Chapter-10-Review – due on Tuesday IV.  Classwork Economics USA   Federal […]

Economics – 4/28/11

I.  Bellwork: Q&A Page 269 Economic Analysis Page 273 Economic Analysis Page 274 The Global Economy -On average how much does the U.S. spend per pupil for education? II.  Objective: Examine the impact of deficits, surpluses, and the national debt. III.  Section 10-3 Discuss Pages 277-282 A.  Notes 10-2 and 10-3 IV.  Classwork Page 277 […]

Multimedia – 4/27/11

Go to xtranormal.com Sign up for an account Create a skit/movie with two characters and an appropriate background (6 points) The movie must last at least 2 minutes (10 points) with dialogue from both characters which makes sense  (4 points) The movie should be about an event that has happened to you or you have […]

Economics – 4/27/11

I.  Bellwork: Transparency 67 Q&A 1-2 II.  Objective: Analyze the ways in which governments generate revenue on consumption, income and wealth and use that revenue for public services and social welfare III. Notebook- Copy Federal 2009 Expenditures pie chart             IV. View Graphs in Motion Figure 10.2 Figure 10.3 V.  […]

Economics – 4/26/11

I.  Bellwork: Page 259- Analyzing the Issue 1-3 Q&A II.  Objective: Analyze the ways in which governments generate revenue on consumption, income and wealth and use that revenue for public services and social welfare III. Videos: A. Governmental Spending Video   B. Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com     IV,  Chapter-10PPT-1 – Copy  (For […]

Economics – 4/19-4/25

Grades on Zangle are updated with the Chapter 9 iLearn Quiz. If you were too busy to take the quiz at home or school on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of last week, retakes are scheduled for 6th hour and after school on Thursday, April 28. If you have a prior commitment (HFCC or work) on […]

Multimedia – 4/15/11

Using the information you obtained on Wednesday, you will create a timeline for your civilization/empire. Join https://www.dipity.com/ See Example:  https://www.dipity.com/StevePro/History-of-The-Wheel/ Your timeline must consist of at least 12 events/accomplishments including important people.  No more than 3 people. You must have an appropriate and relevant picture along with a relevant and informative description for each. (24 […]

Economics – 4/15/11

I.  Bellwork: Q&A A. Page 239 Economic Analysis B. Page 242 Economic Analysis C. Page 244 Economic Analysis II.  Objective: Analyze the ways in which local, state, and federal governments generate revenue. III.   Video –     How the Government Spends, Collects, & Owes IV.  Classwork: Q&A Page 245 #2, #3 & #7 Pages 251-253 Describe Flat […]

Economics – 4/14/11

I.  Bellwork Q&A Identify and describe the top 4 sources of revenue for: the federal government the state government local governments II.  Objective: Examine the business plans of entrepreneurs as they attempt to obtain capital and financing. III.  Chapter 9 iLearn Test closes Friday @ 10:00 pm IV.  Classwork- Shark Tank A.  Questions to answer […]

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