January, 2018
Management – 2/01/2018
I. Bellwork Q&A Explain why charts are used in business List the type of charts you have experience using. II. Objectives: Describe the decision support system Describe the process of creating a weighted criteria analysis Use Excel to create a weighted criteria analysis Determine the meaning of chart terminology and chart types as they are […]
All Classes : 1/31/18
I. Bellwork: Explain one thing you wish you could change about this class last semester? What is the main thing you would like to accomplish this semester in this class? What do you need to do to be successful in this class? II. Objectives: Review and discuss course requirements Discuss and Reflect upon past semester […]
Marketing – 1/23/18
I. Bellwork P715 1-4 Q&A #5-show your work II. Objectives Apply concepts and terminology from Marketing 1 on Precision Exam III. Final Exam Tomorrow: Two Parts – Multiple Choice & Case Analysis Review MC on iLearn IV. Precision Exam
Management – 1/23/18
I. Bellwork: Pr Precision Exam – Communication II. Objectives: Apply business and management concepts and terminology on course assessments III. Awards: Everfi IV. Final Tomorrow – Study Questions on iLearn V. Classwork Precision Exam – Business Management
Accounting – 1/23/18
I. Final Exam Part 2 Journal Entries II. Final Exam Part 3 Financial Statements I/S or B/S
Management – 1/22/18
I. Bellwork P671 1-4 Answers Only II. Objective: Apply concepts and terminology from Management 1 to prepare for the final exam on the Final Review III. Final Exam on Wednesday IV. Final Review on iLearn
Marketing – 1/22/18
I. Bellwork Questions & Answers P708 Example of a product line P708 Example of a product width P709 Why develop new products?(4) P714 Reasons to delete a product line II. Objectives Apply concepts and terminology from Marketing 1 on the Final Review III. Social Media Challenge Keep working on it – It will count as […]
Accounting – 1/22/18
I. Final Exam Part 1 – Multiple Choice on iLearn II. Complete evaluation once you have finished III. Exam Part 2 & 3 Tomorrow (Tuesday) Part 2 – Journal Entries Part 3 – Financial Statements (B/S or I/S) IV. Review on Aplia
Management – 1/19/18
I. Bellwork Summarize the article. -Explain the change Starbucks is attempting to institute. Explain whether or not you believe it will be successful. https://www.seattletimes.com/business/starbucks/starbucks-tests-no-cash-policy-at-downtown-seattle-store/ II. Objectives: Summarize the major Steps in planning and implementing an organizational development program Discuss 3 job design strategies that can increase employee satisfaction Analyze case studies and collaborate with peers […]