September, 2013
Economics – 10/01/13
I. Bellwork: Q&A Page 49 Economic Analysis Page 50 Reading Check Page 51 Reading Check II. Objectives: Complete Chapter 2 Assessment applying concepts and principles which focus on how the allocation of goods and services, the evaluation of economic performance, and the roles of government in the economy. Determine the central ideas or information of […]
Economics – 9/30/13
I. Bellwork: Q&A Identify the role government has in each as either: protector, provider, or regulator Environmental Protection Agency Law Enforcement Libraries Federal Communications Commission Consumer Product Safety Commission Highways and Roads Agricultural subsidies Education Federal Bureau of Investigation Securities and Exchange Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Supreme Court II. Objectives: Review Chapter 2: Allocation of […]
Economics – 9/27/13
I. Bellwork Questions & Answers A. Page 11 – Examining the News Clip 1-2 Q&A B. #3 How much has Under Armour’s revenue increased from 2002 to 2005? II. Objective: Examine the importance of entrepreneurs in a market economy as they attempt to obtain capital and financing to support their endeavors. Demonstrate understanding of written, […]
Economics – 9/26/13
I. Bellwork Page 46 #3 Draw the diagram II. Objectives: Examine and discuss the role of government in an economy. Identify the characteristics of a free enterprise economy and the roles of entrepreneurs, government, and consumers. III. Notebook Work: Page 49 Copy Figure 2.3 – Characteristics of Free Enterprise Capitalism Functions of Government in the […]
Economics – 9/25/13
I. Bellwork Section 2-2 Q&A Explain how laws against false advertising promote economic equity. What can citizens do to influence the economic goals of the country? II. Objective: Examine political and economic rights/freedoms through analysis of the Constitution and basic human needs. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media […]
Economic – 9/24/13
I. Bellwork Q&A Page 31 Analyzing the Issue 1-2 II. Objective: 1.4.4 Examine governments role and impact on the economy as it relates to minimum wage. P3.3 Produce clear and coherent 6+1 essay justifying a decision on whether to increase the minimum wage law based upon discussion of the opposing views (bell work), videos, and […]
Economics – 9/23/13
I. Bellwork Page 38 Figure 2.1 Economic Analysis Q&A Page 40 Figure 2.2 Economic Analysis Q&A II. Objective: Identify economic goals which are used to evaluate economic performance. Cite incidents in which conflicts result from the methods used to achieve economic goals Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a […]
Economics – 9/20/13
I. Bellwork Traditional Economies Primary and Secondary Sources Workbook An Economy of Sharing 1-3 & 5 Q&A II. Objective: Identify the characteristics of command, traditional, and market economies and examine how these are employed under different governmental systems. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that […]
Economics – 9/19/13
I. Bellwork Read, Discuss and Analyze the articles provided: The Boston Tea Party Mohammed Bouazizi 1. For each article explain what happened and how it relates to economics. II. Objective Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evidence. Identify the characteristics of command, traditional, and market economies […]
Economics – 9/18/13
I. Bellwork– Page 29 Q&A #34 a, b & c Show your work for A & B, explain C II. Objective: Apply understanding of basic economic concepts such as scarcity, the flow of economic activity, and decision making models used to demonstrate trade-offs such as the production possibilities frontier on an assessment. Provide an accurate […]