February, 2008
Accounting 2 – 3/03/08
Objective: Journalize transactions utilizing special journals (sales, purchases, cash receipts, and cash payments). I. Bellwork A. Write the formula used to prove cash? II. Classwork/Homework A. Finish adding your information to the Forum (-5) today B. Page 267-268 11-4 Challenge Problem wb pgs. 233-236
Accounting 1 – 3/03/08
Objective:s Identify accounting practices related to analyzing transactions into debit and credit parts. Use T accounts to analyze transactions showing which accounts are debited or credited for each transaction. Analyze how transactions affect owner’s equity accounts. I. Bellwork A. Construct T accounts for the following transactions: 1. Bought 1,500.00 Supplies on account from Abdul […]
Computer Applications – 03/03/08
Objectives: Describe what tasks a spreadsheet would be used for Identify the different parts of the Excel spreadsheet window I. Bell work A. Pg 242 #1, 2a & 2b (Answers Only) See page 207 II. Classwork A. Page 242 Questions and Answers #3 – #7 B. Spreadsheet Vocabulary – Type III. Notebook Check Tomorrow
Accounting 2 – 2/29/08
Objective: Identify, analyze and discuss the importance of ethics and ethical behavior in the workplace. I. Bellwork – Page 7 A. List the 3 step process for determining whether an action is ethical II. Classwork A. Use the link below to create a Uvatar https://www.befunky.com/ B. Use the link below to join the network and begin […]
Accounting 1 – 2/29/08
Objectives: Define accounting terms related to analyzing transactions into debit and credit parts.· Identify accounting practices related to analyzing transactions into debit and credit parts. Use T accounts to analyze transactions showing which accounts are debited or credited for each transaction.· Analyze how transactions to set up a business affect accounts. I. Bellwork/Quiz A. […]
Computer Applications – 2/29/08
Objectives Apply proper formatting to create word processing documents I. Bellwork A. What is the difference between subscript and superscript? B. Provide an example for each. II. Classwork A. Finish and Print Exercise 10 Page 163 B. Exercise 6 page 161 C. MicroType Pro Red Section Continue -2 each day late […]
Accounting 1 – 2/28/08
Objectives· Define accounting terms related to analyzing transactions into debit and credit parts. Identify accounting practices related to analyzing transactions into debit and credit parts I. Bellwork Pg. 44 A. Terms (4) + 1-2 Q+A II. Notebook Work Pg. 41 A. Critical Thinking 1-2 Q+A III. 3-1 Analyzing Transactions into Debit & Credit Parts A. […]
Accounting 2 – 2/28/08
Objectives: Journalize cash receipts using a sales and cash receipts journal. Identify accounting concepts and practices related to cash receipts and sales for a merchandising business. I. Bellwork A. Page 269 Critical Thinking -Case 1 Complete sentence answer II. Notebook Work- https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23367577 A. Answer the following questions based upon the link What is […]
Computer Applications – 2/28/08
Objectives Apply proper formatting to create word processing documents I. Bellwork A. Draw the formatting buttons below. Bullets Numbering Line Spacing II. Notebook Work- https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23367577 A. Answer the following questions based upon the link What is the article about? What is your opinion on what happened? III. Classwork A. Exercise 9 Page 162 […]
Accounting 1 – 2/27/08
Objective Analyze changes in an accounting equation that affect accounts for a service business organized as a proprietorship. I. Bellwork A. For each transaction below identify each account that is affected and whether it increases (+) or decreases (-) Owner invested $5000.00 in the business Bought supplies for $50.00 Made a sale on account to […]