May, 2019
AP Economics – 5/31/19
18 Summative Points – Due 6/11/19 EverFi Financial Literacy, click Register Course Code: 986097de
Accounting – 5/31/19
I Bellwork – Explain the reason why ########## would appear in a cell instead of a number? II Objective Construct and modify a budgets used for What-if Analysis my creating formulas using relative and absolute cell references and applying various formatting tools to the spreadsheet. Follow precisely a multi-step procedure to modify and create budgets […]
Accounting – 5/30/19
Bellwork Explain the purpose of the format painter tool Objective Construct and modify a budgets used for What-if Analysis my creating formulas using relative and absolute cell references and applying various formatting tools to the spreadsheet. Follow precisely a multi-step procedure to modify and create budgets analyzing the specific results based on explanations in the […]
Accounting – 5/29/19
I Bellwork Q & A =A12*B12 Describe and show what you would need to do to make A12 an absolute cell reference? What is the purpose of creating an absolute cell reference? II Objectives Build formulas to create an accurate and flexible budget in Excel Use relative versus absolute cell addresses to […]
Accounting – 5/23/19
I. Bellwork Google Classroom What are some things you know about working with Excel? II. Objectives Build formulas to create an accurate and flexible budget in Excel Use relative versus absolute cell addresses to support What-If Analysis in Excel Format a range of cells in Excel using the Format Painter Format a budget in Excel […]
Accounting – 5/23/19
I. Turn in checked out books II. Multiple Choice Exam on iLearn III. Additionally: Don’t bother e-mailing me, I stopped reading & replying 2 weeks ago.
AP Economics – 5/23/19
I. Turn in Outstanding Books AP Textbook Summer work book II. Seniors videos Due today III. Vote on a Module IV. Additionally: Don’t bother e-mailing me, I stopped reading & replying 2 weeks ago.
AP Economics – 5/22/19
I. Macro Final MC – Today II. Books Must be returned on Today AP Textbook and Common Sense Economics Summer Book Book holds and fines will be submitted to home schools on Thursday III. Video Project – See iLearn for Details The project must be completed and submitted by Tomorrow – May 23, 2019 for […]
Accounting – 5/22/19
I. Final – Journal Entries Today Multiple Choice Tomorrow II. Multiple Choice Review on iLearn III. Turn in any books you have checked out
Accounting – 5/21/19
I. Precision Exam Today +5 Summative for 70% or better II. Final – Journal Entries Tomorrow Multiple Choice on Thursday III. Multiple Choice Review on iLearn