Apr 25

Accounting 2 – 4/25/08


  • Journalize all payroll transactions and record withholding and payroll taxes.

 I.  Bell work

A.  Explore Accounting  pg. 360

  1. What guidelines govern financial statements?

  2. What guidelines govern tax returns?

  3. What is the end result?  

II  Class work

A.  Pg. 362 14-5 Mastery Problem

B.  Page 367 Automate Mastery Problem 14-5 (F14-1)

III.  Test Next Tuesday

Apr 24

Accounting 2 – 4/24/08


  • Identify accounting concepts and practices related to payroll accounting, taxes, and reports.

  • Pay and record withholding and payroll taxes.

I.  Bellwork pg. 359

A.  Q&A 1-2

II.  14-4 paying withholding + payroll taxes

A.  Record & Discuss pg. 354-358

  1. Paying the Liability

  2. Form 8109

  3. Journalizing Payment of Liability

  4. Paying liability of Federal unemployment tax

  5. Journalizing payment for Federal unemployment tax

  6. Journalizing payment for state unemployment tax

III.  Review – 14-4 PPT


IV.  Classwork

A.  3-6 WB pgs. 313-314

B.  Pg. 362 14-4 WB pgs. 321-322

Apr 23

Accounting 2 – 4/23/08


  • Identify accounting concepts and practices related to payroll reports.
  • Prepare selected payroll tax reports

 I) Bellwork pg. 353

A.  1-2 Q+A

II) 14-3 Reporting Withholding & Payroll Taxes

A. Read & Discuss pgs. 349-352

1. Form W-2 for employees

2. Form 941 Quarterly Federal Tax Return

3. Preparing a 941

4. W-3 Form

III.   Review  – 14-3 PPT


IV. Classwork pg. 353

A.  3 & 4 WB pgs. 311-312

B.  Pg. 362 14-3 WB g. 319

Apr 21

Accounting 2 – 4/21/08


  • Identify accounting concepts and practices related to recording a payroll.

  • Analyze payroll transactions and record a payroll.

I. Bellwork

A. Pg. 343 1-4 Q+A

II. Notebook work pg. 339

A. Critical Thinking 1-3 Q+A

III. 14-1 Recording a payroll

A. Read & Discuss pgs. 340-342

1. Payroll Register

2. Analyzing payment of a payroll

3. Journalizing payment of a payroll

IV. Review – 14-1 PPT

V) Classwork

A) Page 343 5-8 WB pgs 307-308

B) pg. 361 14-1 WB pg 315

Apr 18

Accounting 2- 4/18/08


  • Calculate piecework wages
  • Prepare a payroll register

I.  Bellwork Q & A

A.  How are an employees cumulative earnings determined?

B.  From where is the information to complete an employee earnings record obtained?

II.  Classswork

A.  Pg 334 Challenge Problem 13-7 wb pg 305

Apr 16

Accounting 2 – 4/17/08


  • Define and identify terms and practices related to payroll records
  • Complete a payroll register and an employee earnings record.
  • Prepare payroll check

I.  Bellwork

A.  Round these amounts to the nearest penny

  1. $100.015
  2. $50.693
  3. $120.899
  4. $23.444
  5. $17.236 

II.  Turn in Recycle Problem 13C

III.  Chapter 13 Test

Apr 16

Accounting 2 – 4/16/08


  • Complete payroll register
  • Write payroll checks 

I.  Bellwork

A.  What two items may appear in the other column of the payroll register?

B.  What are the 2 symbols (abbreviations) that appear at the left of the amounts for items in the other column?

II.  Turn in Review Sheet

III.  Classwork

A.  Recycle Problem 13C

IV.  Chapter 13 Test Tomorrow

Apr 15

Accounting 2 – 4/15/08


  • Define and identify terms and practices related to payroll records
  • Determine federal income tax withholding

I. Bellwork

A. What number (be specific) is used to determine that amount of the total payroll check?

B. How much withholding would a single person with 4 allowances and wages of $1350 have?

C. How much withholding would a married person with 4 allowances and wages of $1350 have?

II.  Turn in WB pages 299-303

III. Notebook pg. 335

     A. Case 1 Q+A

1.  Do you agree with the new manager or the accounting clerk? Explain your

IV. Classwork

A. Chapter 13 Study Guide

B. Determining Federal Income Tax: Handout Parts 1 & 2

Use schedules on Pages 318 & 319

V. Test on Thursday  

Apr 11

Accounting 2 – 4/14/08


  • Complete a payroll register and an employee earnings record.

  • Prepare payroll check


I.  Bellwork – Questions & Answers

A.  Explore Accounting pg. 330

  1. How does tax responsibility offer between an employee and an independent contractor?

  2. What determines whether an individual is an employee or contractor?

  3. Why does the IRS care about this classification?

II.  Class work pg. 333

A.  Page 332-333 13-5 wb page 299

B.  Page 333 13-6 WB pg. 301-303

III.  Test Wednesday