May 11

Accounting 2 – 5/12/08


  • Identify accounting concepts and practices related to a work sheet for a merchandising business.

  • Complete a work sheet for a merchandising business.

I.  Bellwork

  1. When Net Income occurs on a worksheet which two columns are larger than the other two?
  2. When a Net Loss occurs on a worksheet which two columns are larger than the other two?

II.  Extra Problem 15-1 

III.  Chapter 15 Test Tomorrow and Notebook Check

May 08

Accounting 2 – 5/09/08


  • Identify accounting concepts and practices related to a work sheet for a merchandising business.

  • Complete a work sheet for a merchandising business.

 I.  Notebook work

A.  Determine the adjustment amount and the accounts to be Dr and Cr for each

  1. Beginning Mdse Inventory 225,500     Ending Mdse Inventory 223,250

  2. Beginning Supplies – Office  7,500         Ending Supplies – Store 3,250

  3. Beginning Prepaid Insurance 1,800      Ending Prepaid Insurance 1,800

II.  Class work

A.  15-1 Problem Handout – On my desk

III.  Test on Monday (Don’t stay home Darwiech)

May 07

Accounting 2 – 5/08/08


  • Identify accounting concepts and practices related to a work sheet for a merchandising business.

  • Complete a work sheet for a merchandising business.

 I.  Bell work

A.  Explore Accounting pg. 393 Q&A- Explain How and Give an Example

II.  Class work

A.  Chapter 15 Review Sheet           

B.  Pg. C-15 Recycle Problem

May 06

Accounting 2 – 5/07/08


  • Identify accounting concepts and practices related to a work sheet for a merchandising business.

  • Complete a work sheet for a merchandising business.

 I.  Bell work

A.  Explore Accounting pg. 360 Q&A

II.  Class work

A.  Pg. 395 15-4 Mastery Problem WB 358-359

May 06

Accounting 2 – 5/06/08


  • Identify accounting concepts and practices related to a work sheet for a merchandising business.

  • Complete a work sheet for a merchandising business.


I.  Bellwork  page 392

A.  1-4 Q & A

II.  Turn in WB pages Pages 351-353


III.  15-3 Completing a Worksheet

A.  Read & Discuss pgs. 386-391

  1. Completing on 8 Column worksheet

  2. Completed 10 Column worksheet

IV.  Review  PPT 15-3


V.  Class work

A.  Finish WB pgs. 347-348, 355

May 05

Accounting 2 – 5/05/08


  • Identify accounting concepts and practices related to a work sheet for a merchandising business.

  • Plan adjustments on a work sheet for a merchandising business.

I.  Bellwork Page 385

A.  Q & A 1-2 

II.  15-2 Analyzing Recording Worksheet & Adjustments

A.  Read & Discuss pgs. 381-384

  1. Analyze a Supplies Adjustment

  2. Record a Supplies Adjustment

  3. Analyze a Prepaid Insurance Adjustment

  4. Recording a Prepaid Insurance Adjustment  

III.  Review  

  1. PPT 15-1

  2. PPT 15-2

IV.  Class Work

A.  Pg. 382

  1. 5-8 WB pgs. 347-350

  2. 15-3 pg. 395 WB pg. 353-355

Apr 30

Accounting 2 – 5/01/08


  • Define accounting terms related to a work sheet for a merchandising business.

  • Identify accounting concepts and practices related to a work sheet for a merchandising business.

  • Begin a work sheet for a merchandising business.

I.  Bellwork

A.  Terms + 1-2 Q+A

II.  15-1 Eight Column worksheet for a march business

A.  Read + discuss pg. 374-378

  1. Transferring G/L balance to a worksheet

  2. Recording  Trial balance on a worksheet

  3. Planning Adjustments

  4. Analyzing + Recording Merchandise Adjustments

  5. Adjustment when ending merchandise>Beginning merchandise

III.  Class work pgs. 379-380

A.  3-8 WB pgs 347-350

B.  15-1 pg. 394 QB pg. 351

Apr 30

Accounting 2 – 4/30/08


  • Identify accounting concepts and practices related to payroll accounting, taxes, and reports.

  • Pay and record withholding and payroll taxes.

  •  I.  Bellwork

    A.  What are the accounts debited and credited when you record employer payroll tax expense?

    B.  What are the accounts debited and credited when you pay for the liability for employee income tax?

    II.  Chapter 14 Test

    III.  Homework

    A.  Crossword Chp 13-14

    Apr 29

    Accounting 2 – 4/29/08


    • Journalize all payroll transactions and record withholding and payroll taxes

     I.  Bellwork

    A.  Page 365 Case 1 – Explain your answer.

    II.  Classwork

    A.  Recycle Problem C14

    III.  Chapter 14 Test Tomorrow

    A.  Review your Study Guide

    B.  Review Mastery and Recycle Problems

    Apr 25

    Accounting 2 – 4/28/08


    • Journalize all payroll transactions and record withholding and payroll taxes.

    I.  Bellwork

    A.  What is the money collected from payroll Social Security tax used for?  Explain.

    B.  What is the money collected from payroll Medicare tax used for? Explain 


    II.  Turn in Workbook page 323


    III.  Classwork

    A.  Chapter 14 Review Sheet

    B.  Page 367 Automate Mastery Problem 14-5 (F14-1)

     IV.  Homework

    A.  Recycle Problem  14-1 pg. C-14

     V.  Chapter 14 test tomorrow