Week of 8-31-2020 First Day Kdg Orientation!

Dear Families,

Hooray Hooray it’s the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I am SO excited to have your child in room 106 and want to welcome you all to DuVall Elementary School. This year your shiny new penguin and I will experience a love for our classroom family and education together. Although we are beginning virtually, I want you all to know that I am right here with a huge heart, personality and love for teaching the young child. I have just finished teaching summer school virtually and we had a blast each day working together as a team so I promise you it is not only possible, but enjoyable for the kiddos! Below I have prepared a few videos for your child and family to watch today and one little assignment. Your child will watch the read aloud and draw a picture (with your help of course!) of how they feel today on the first day of school. Of course I would LOVE to see it and share with the class. So, if you would like to show your child how you will send in a picture of their work this year snap a pic and reply to our post! They will be so excited to see they are famous! Enjoy the videos and I will share more fun activities each day at 8:55am sharp! Remember, I will be available each day from 8:45am-4:00pm. The first week of school, I will be calling each family to say hello and check in, greet your child and family and make sure that you have the materials you need. We can also troubleshoot any issues we encounter with technology! Looking forward to it.


Mrs. Ross 🙂

  1. Monday’s Orientation Video: https://www.loom.com/share/c17bdb3512d54eff8abd1799b4f15680
  2. Monday’s First Day Read Aloud: https://www.loom.com/share/432198e2a16c4888b42054b941706c0e
  3. Monday’s Activity: Picture of your smiling self on first day of school! Don’t forget to share by replying to this post OR emailing the picture to rossm1@dearbornschools.org I can’t wait to see them!
  4. Mr. Attee’s Blog post about Material’s Distribution and second Chromebook distribution: https://duvall.dearbornschools.org/2020/08/30/welcome-back-some-important-information-for-the-upcoming-week/

*Tutorial About Chromebooks: Here is a video that might help give more information about navigating the Chromebooks! I hope this is helpful but please reach out if you have any issues and I will be here to help 🙂

*Link below is to Dearborn Student Learning Online, Chromebook Care / Usage Handbook 2020-2021. This document is also one of the “pages” above on the blogs main page so that you can access the information all year whenever you need it!


Week of 9-16-2019

Image result for fall pictures

Dear Families,

I hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying this beautiful weekend! It was so nice to see you all at open house on Thursday and continue to meet more of your family members. We enjoyed a FULL week together last week. I am SO very proud of how hard your children are working to learn our classroom expectations, procedures, PBIS “green behaviors” and how to make friends and get along with others. Here is what you need to know for this week. If there are any additions or changes I’ll be sure to be in touch. Have a wonderful week!  

November Conferences: If you didn’t get a chance to sign up for conferences please feel free to send me an email, note or see me after school. I look forward to meeting with you in November 🙂

Popcorn: This week there will be popcorn sales on Friday morning at 8:45am. Students may buy as many popcorn bags as they wish!

Gym: Mr. Tapp is collecting pictures of students participating in athletic activities. If your child would like to be featured on his bulletin board feel free to send in a picture of them in the blue homework folder 🙂

Spelling: sight words: like, to, Tt, Nn (students are NOT tested on sight words at this time.)

previous sight words: the, I, can, see

previous letters: Ss, Mm, Rr, Bb

LA Book: Huggapotamus by Steve Metzger The theme this week is: Friendship. Students will be identifying “characters” in the story and the “problem.” We will also be working on asking and answering questions as they pertain to the story and rhyming all week when it occurs. Our poem this week is “The Wheels on the Bus.”

Writing: Continue building components and stamina of Writer’s Workshop. Students will continue learning to express their stories through illustrations. We will be drawing characters from Huggapotamus, making connections about friends and how we are alike but different!

Math: This week we will continue working in Unit 1 Numbers to 5. This is our first week sending home homework! The homework is stapled in a pack of 5 lessons and is good for a week from the day I send it home. I typically send them home on Mondays. However, if we have a snow day or another reason for the delay the packet will be due one week from the day I put it in the blue folders. In addition, your child will receive one math game almost every week to play at home! This is the game that can be placed in a sheet protector and collected in a binder. Your child may keep this game and play various skills all year long. No need to return the games.

Social Studies: We will continue learning about our first unit in Social Studies! Our first unit is called “Getting Along with Others”. This week we will continue reading, discussing, sorting “green choices (things we should keep doing) and “red choices” (things we should stop/not do in school).

Science: Begin Unit 1 Mystery Science “Force Olympics.” This unit helps students develop their first concept of “force,” and the idea that by playing with forces and thinking about them, we can accomplish surprisingly big things.  This week we will begin mystery 2! We are having fun learning and acting out work words and pretending we are big machines!

Week of 9-9-2019

Image result for september pics

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Here is what you need to know this week as we approach our second full week in school! If there is anything else I need to add or change I will be in touch! Have a wonderful week.

Book Fair: Tomorrow morning we will preview the book fair as a class and fill out “wish lists” to take home in our homework folders. You can send in money in an envelope with your child’s name on it the next day or come back in the building after school with your child to shop together!

Open House: Please join us Thursday evening. Open house will be from 6:00PM to 7:30PM. Looking forward to seeing you there and telling you once again how much I love your little penguins!

Arrival/Dismissal: I will meet you outside on our yellow line with the purple rectangle for morning pledge and dismissal. Arrival time is 8:35AM and dismissal is 3:35PM. We are working on being “brave” and independent as we come in alone and I am SO proud of our little penguins so far.

*Emergency Cards/Concussion Forms: If you have not sent them in yet please do as soon as possible this week in the blue homework folder. :- )

Lunch/Snack: Wow, the lunch menu has changed so much every day I wanted to thank you and your children for being SO flexible! Please help your child make a decision at home before school and remind them that we will need to continue being flexible until the deliveries become more accurate! Thank you in advance for all your help. Remember we are a nut free classroom for snacks. We will still have snack time in the AM and PM in the classroom. Yogurts, cheese sticks, fresh fruit and veggies are welcome!

*Milk: milk CAN be ordered separately from a lunch in the cafeteria! Milk alone is $.50 and your child can pay as they go each day. Or, you could put money on their lunch cards in the office. Thank you

NWEA: This week we will take our NWEA computer assessment for the first time this year. It will be tough for them the first time but don’t worry, the second time in January and the third time in the spring it will become much easier 🙂 I will give you a printout of their scores at our first conference.

Math: Homework has not begun yet! This week we continue our first lessons in Unit 1 of Eureka Math which is about “Numbers 0-10” 🙂

Spelling: sight words: can, see letters: Rr, Bb (students are NOT tested on words. )

previous sight words: the, I

previous letters: Ss, Mm

LA Book: Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae

Writing: Continue building components and stamina of Writer’s Workshop. Students will continue learning to express their stories through illustrations. In addition, students will learn the difference between the “illustrator” and the “author.”

Social Studies: We will continue learning about our first unit in Social Studies! Our first unit is called “Getting Along with Others”.

Science: Begin Unit 1 Mystery Science “Force Olympics.” This unit helps students develop their first concept of “force,” and the idea that by playing with forces and thinking about them, we can accomplish surprisingly big things. 

Welcome to Mrs. Ross’s Class 2019-2020!

WELCOME Kindergarten Families,

It is my pleasure to welcome your child and family to our classroom at Duvall! My name is Margaret Ross and I would love to share with you a little bit about my educational background and welcome your child and family to my Kindergarten classroom. I graduated from Eastern Michigan University and Oakland University earning my Education Degree and Early Childhood Masters Degree. I have lived in Dearborn my whole life and attended both Divine Child Elementary and High School. I currently live in Dearborn with my husband Jeffrey and our two children. Benjamin is 9 years old and attends Lindbergh Elementary. Antonia is 4 years old and will be attending the DuVall developmental preschool again this year! 

My classroom here at DuVall Elementary will be a safe and exciting environment for all children to learn. I will promote the social and emotional growth of your child while nurturing his/her positive self-concept. Your child will be taught, guided, and loved every day. Every staff member at DuVall Elementary is also dedicated and committed to your child’s successes. Kindergarten is a very important year for your child and the most important component in your child’s successful school year is you, the parent(s).  When you encourage your child to learn and work hard while taking a consistent hands on interest in his/her education success and progress will result. I believe it is necessary for both the parents and teacher to work together for students to be successful in school. We are going to be an awesome team! The following newsletter will inform your family about important details of our classroom. 


Specials: Here is our specials schedule, if there are any changes made to the list I will update it on the iblog *(please sign up at http://iblog.dearbornschools.org/ross/) and send it out to you immediately! Our specials schedule will always be posted on the iblog all year under the “specials” tab. Please make sure your child dresses in the proper attire and footwear on gym days! Library check out is still TBD! 

Mondays: Music 12:18PM-1:03PM

Tuesdays: Enrichment 12:18PM-1:03PM

Wednesdays: Music 12:18PM-1:03PM and Art 1:56PM-2:41PM

Thursdays Gym:9:39AM-10:24AM

Fridays Gym: 1:56PM-2:41PM

Our lunchtime is from 11:00AM-11:38AM.  Upon arrival, students buying lunch will make a choice every morning by placing their card in the basket below the picture of food they would like to eat. If your child simply needs milk, they will still need to put their card in the small milk basket. Please help your child look over the lunch menu at home every night to help them plan ahead and decide their lunch choices for the next day. This year will be tricky because students will be offered three choices! To help them gain independence we want them to come to school each morning able to decide and choose 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice or packed lunch. Planning ahead will help your little one avoid any tears and heartache! Thank you in advance for your help!

Volunteers: In order to volunteer for field trips, lunch with your child, or in the classroom Dearborn Public Schools requires all adults (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles) to complete an ichat form from the office. They are valid for a few years! Please see Ms Cathy or an office staff member to get your ichat completed as 

soon as possible or check if you still have one on file that has not expired. 

Snack/Birthday Treats: Please feel free to send in a healthy snack for your child each day for them to enjoy in the morning during recess or in the afternoon during recess. For birthdays, please let me know at least a day in advance so that we can confirm we will be there! Cupcakes, donuts, cookies and juice are fine with us! Please just do NOT bring in a cake or balloons!  You may deliver them to the office at the 8:35AM bell, hand them to me in lineup or to the office at 3:00PM. 3:00PM is when we celebrate birthdays. Thank you 🙂


I will begin sending home homework in your child’s blue communication folder after the first two/three weeks of school.  This will give your child time to adjust to being in a new room with a new teacher. Please allow your child the “down time” he or she is going to need while getting used to being at school the first month. Our Math curriculum includes a homework element that will be sent home in addition to the game we discussed during kindergarten roundup. When homework begins coming home, it will be five/6 stapled pages and one game each week placed in the “return to school” blue communications folder. Your child will have seven days to complete the packet at your convenience and is expected to return the completed work the following Monday. Spelling does not officially begin until January in kindergarten, however we will begin a sight word program in the near future to help your child acquire as many sight words they can this year! Spelling assessments will usually take place on Fridays (unless a short week, snow day or another notification sent on my blog). 

Supplies: Please label child’s name with black permanent marker on all that you can to help us remain organized! If you didn’t bring supplies today no worries we’ll be organizing supplies all week 🙂 I have included the Kindergarten supply list just in case anyone forgot theirs! Dry erase markers are always needed and one supply item that I will put into buckets for all to share as needed. I THANK YOU 

in advance for your support and generosity.

Homework Folders: The PTA has purchased all students new plastic homework folders this year-yay! THANK YOU to the PTA! I am hoping the plastic will be durable and last the whole year! If your child happens to lose or damage them beyond repair I do have a few extra blue and green plastic folders available for purchase, or your child could replace it with one from home.

 At home, your child will also need supplies to complete assignments.  Please be sure your child has somewhere quiet (or semi quiet if it’s anything like my house) to do their homework and someone to read with each night. Please make sure their blue homework folder and reading book bag (which I will provide in the near future as we begin Daily 5) come back to school every day.

*Additional supplies you may provide/donate to the class are SO greatly appreciated: highlighters, black expo dry erase markers, crayons, Kleenex, baby wipes (for sticky fingers, table writing and wiping tables), play-Doh, additional glue, hand sanitizer. I thank you in advance for your generosity and support!

Drop off and Pick Up:

Students in our class are dropped off at 8:35AM on our yellow classroom line on the playground blacktop and picked up on the same line at 3:35PM. If there are any changes in your child’s normal dismissal from school please notify me in person or email or contact the office. Any student remaining with the teacher, ten minutes after dismissal, at 3:45pm will be walked by myself or another teacher to the office. If you need to talk to me outside of this time period, please make an appointment because your child is very important to me. In addition, if your child needs to leave school early for any reason, please go to the office to sign them out and wait there while the receptionist contacts me. I will send your child down as quickly as I can pack them up.  Please do not come to the classroom to get them as this disrupts the learning taking place.

Classroom Expectations and Consequences: PBIS

DuVall Elementary takes part in the “Positive Behavior Interventions System”. PBIS is schoolwide and expectations/consequences are taught and monitored in every room at DuVall Elementary to ensure the safety and education of all students. Your child will be taught my PBIS expectations the first weeks of school and taught/reminded of them throughout the year. This year we will also be exploring and adapting the wonderful concepts from the “Leader in Me” and the seven habits. Please expect and be ready for me to call, write and/or discuss/celebrate the wellbeing of your child and their successes as well as challenges in school. We LOVE to celebrate our accomplishments! “Penguin Points” as well as other rewards are given out for positive behaviors, completed homework and following directions. In the coming weeks, when the students have adjusted and PBIS officially starts, I will be sending home a monthly behavior sheet. The first one will be for September 🙂 Please initial the smiley face behavior sheet every night and keep it slipped in the back the homework folder! Please see my iblog to read more about behavior management under the “PBIS/Leader in Me” page.

This is a new beginning for your child and there will be a period of adjustment. We must be patient, supportive and work as a team while your child adjusts to new learning, routines and challenges each day. Thank you for the honor and privilege of educating your child. I am excited about working with you this year and loving and teaching your amazing child!

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please email me at rossm1@dearbornschools.org  and I will get back to you as soon as possible. In addition, I have a iblog (sign up at http://iblog.dearbornschools.org/ross/)that will become the center for all information pertaining to our classroom. I am  looking forward to a wonderful year!

(sign up at http://iblog.dearbornschools.org/ross/)that will become the center for all information pertaining to our classroom. I am looking forward to a wonderful year!


Mrs. Margaret Ross 🙂

Dear Families,

I hope this message finds you all well and enjoying this lovely weekend! Here is what’s cooking this week in kindergarten. If there are any additions or modifications to the post I will make them as soon as possible. We are looking forward to our Muffins for Moms celebration on Friday morning at 9:00 am! If you have not RSVP’d yet we will send you another invite this week to make sure your child has someone very special to celebrate with! Thank you in advance for helping us make this a special and memorable event for our lovely moms!

Important Dates this week:

*Don’t Forget to follow the ABC countdown sheet for this week!

Tuesday, May 7th- Science Challenge Night 5:00pm-6:00 pm (All families welcome to join in the fun if you are available!)

Wednesday, May 8th- LAST PTA MEETING AT 7 pm

May 10th: Muffins for Moms! (Moms, please join us for some muffins and surprises at 9:00am!)

Homework: As we near the end of module 4, we will send home packets until there are no more left in module 4. However, your child will receive a new math game every week to help with subtraction and addition fluency!

Popcorn:  Popcorn might be on this week so lets plan on it unless I send out an update 🙂 

Library check out: This week we will have check out so make sure books are back in the bags Monday night and ready to go Tuesday morning first thing!

Reading Packs: Make sure your child is spending about 10-15 minutes reading at night on Raz-Kids and the books, letters/words you find in the reading packs. This will help your child SO much reviewing their personal bags each night!


LA Book: Cont. Informational books about plants and animals

Writing: Cont. Writing about Mothers shh! It’s a secret and we really can’t say 🙂

Social Studies: Unit 1: Who am I? regions of the classroom and reflecting on something they like about their classroom. In addition, we have been brainstorming about “kindness” and ways to help us with tattling, kind words and stamina. As the days get hotter and the end of the year approaches this can be a hard time for students to remain focused. It is so important for our little ones to remember this. Here are some of the wonderful reminders your little ones thought of on Friday during our lesson and these are great talking points to review at home too 🙂

*Use kind words

*listen when a friend or the teacher is speaking

*Hands are for helping

*Clean up after myself

*work the whole time

*Include others if they want to be my partner or play with me outside

*Stay in one spot (working the whole time)

*Talk about work talk during work time

New Science Unit: Earth and Space Science: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Animals, Plants and their Environments (Cont. Animal Mysteries!)

*Guiding Essential Question/Content: 1. Where do animals live and why do they live there? 2. Plants and animals can change their environment 3. natural resources, human impacts on earth systems

Week of 4-29-2019

Image result for mayDear Families,

I hope this message finds you all well. I wanted to begin our weekly post by thank you all for the kind words and support you have all given my family in our time of need. We are so grateful. I can NOT wait to return tomorrow to all the smiling and precious faces I have missed so much last week. As may beings this week, so does our end of the year ABC countdown! Please keep it at home somewhere that you can check every night, so that your child can participate in our daily fun! Here is what’s cooking this week in kindergarten. If there are any additions or modifications to the post I will make them as soon as possible. Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Ross 🙂

Reschedule for our Special Secret Project: Tomorrow I will begin working on our “special secret project” for Mother’s Day! Please make sure your child looks cute but is in practical clothing for school and adhering to school clothing policies regarding shoes (closed toe and straps behind the back heels) for safety reasons! Thank you SO very much for your help!

Homework: This week your child will receive a new math packet and math game.

Popcorn:  Popcorn might be on this week so lets plan on it unless I send out an update 🙂 

Library check out: This week we will have check out so make sure books are back in the bags Monday night and ready to go Tuesday morning first thing!

Reading Packs: Make sure your child is spending about 10-15 minutes reading at night on Raz-Kids and the books, letters/words you find in the reading packs. This will help your child SO much reviewing their personal bags each night! All bags have been switched so make sure you child is practicing books they receive this week. All reading packs, Raz-Kids and personal books at home count toward March Reading Logs!

Spelling: continue (test Monday morning) -ad word family                                                 –ad family (bad, dad, had, lad, mad, pad, rad, sad,) sight words: so, do

LA Book: Cont. Informational books about plants and animals

Writing: Informational writing. Plants and Animals (Publishing Ladybug Story Problems), Writing about Mothers shh! It’s a secret I really can’t say 🙂

Social Studies: Unit 1: Who am I? Lesson 2/3 Cont. “I Go to School” children explore their role as a student, preparing and going to school, regions of the classroom and reflecting on something they like about their classroom.

New Science Unit: Earth and Space Science: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Animals, Plants and their Environments (Cont. Animal Mysteries!)

*Guiding Essential Question/Content: 1. Where do animals live and why do they live there? 2. Plants and animals can change their environment 3. natural resources, human impacts on earth systems

End of Year Events for Kdg 2019!

Image result for pencil clip art schools

Important Events and Dates

End of Year Kdg DuVall: 2019

Dear KDG Families of room 106, here is a list of important dates and events for your planning purposes! I will also be sending this note home tomorrow for you to place on your fridge 🙂 I thank you in advance for all your participation and help you will be providing to make our end of the year so exciting and smooth! I can NOT wait for everything to begin 🙂 

Friday, May 3rd- ABC Countdown starts. Calendar will be sent home for you to follow 🙂

Tuesday, May 7th- Science Challenge Night 5:00pm-6:00 pm (Please join in the fun if you are available!)

Wednesday, May 8th- LAST PTA MEETING AT 7 pm

May 10th: Muffins for Moms! (Moms, please join us for some muffins and surprises at 9:00am!)

Wednesday, May 15th- Late Start. 9:35am school starts

Friday, May 24th- No school

Monday, May 27th- No school (Happy Memorial Day)

Friday, May 31st- Ice Cream Social! 5:30pm-8:00pm (Please come and join in the fun and bid on a raffle prize to support our school!)

Monday, June 3rd- No school (Happy Eid!)

Tuesday, June 4th- No school (Happy Eid!)

Wednesday, June 5th- No School (Happy Eid!)

Thursday, June 6th- Field Day. PM or AM- Times are TBD…

Monday June 10th: Reading License Ceremony 9:00am Rm 106! All Family members welcome! More information to come on iblog 🙂

Tuesday, June 11th- Park and Pool. All day Event. Parent Drivers Needed. Make sure you get the proper ichats done ASAP!

Friday, June 14th- Last Day of school! Half Day with AM Dismissal at 11:45am  

*If you would like to be a chaperone to any of the end of the year events PLEASE stop by the office to make sure that you have a CURRENT ichat AND a driving chaperone ichat (they need to be renewed every year and we will need a lot of drivers to help us take students to and from Dunworth Pool at Levagood park on June 11th!) Thank you in advance!

Week of 4-22-2019


Image result for happy easter
Dear Families,

I hope this message finds you all well and ready to relax for our extended weekend. Just a reminder that we do not have school on Friday, April 19th, 2019. School will resume on Monday, April 22nd, 2019. Here is what’s cooking next week in kindergarten. If there are any additions or modifications to the post I will made them as soon as possible. Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter to the families who celebrate it!

Mrs. Ross 🙂

Homework: Next week your child will receive a new math packet and math game.

Popcorn: Popcorn will be on this week back on this week so bring your quarters

Library check out: This week we will have check out so make sure books are back in the bags Monday night and ready to go Tuesday morning first thing!

Reading Packs: Make sure your child is spending about 10-15 minutes reading at night on Raz-Kids and the books, letters/words you find in the reading packs. This will help your child SO much reviewing their personal bags each night! All bags have been switched so make sure you child is practicing books they receive this week. All reading packs, Raz-Kids and personal books at home count toward March Reading Logs!

Spelling: continue (test Monday morning due to short week!) -ug word family

*sight words: him , his 

New Family: -ad family (bad, dad, had, lad, mad, pad, rad, sad,) sight words: so, do

LA Book: Informational books about plants and animals (ladybugs) (The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle)

Writing: Informational writing. Plants and Animals (Ladybugs)

Social Studies: Unit 1: Who am I? Lesson 2 “I Go to School” children explore their role as a student, preparing and going to school, regions of the classroom and reflecting on something they like about their classroom.

New Science Unit: Earth and Space Science: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Animals, Plants and their Environments (Mystery Three: Animal Needs/Safety)

*Guiding Essential Question/Content: 1. Where do animals live and why do they live there? 2. Plants and animals can change their environment 3. natural resources, human impacts on earth systems


Week of 4-15-2018

Dear Families,

I hope this message finds you all well and WARM! What a crazy weekend it has been with sun, wind, freezing rain and snow in Michigan! I wanted to take a moment to thank ALL the parents and grandparents who came to conferences last week and those who chaperoned and gave their time to us last week and joined us on our field trip. Ms. Shapas and I are truly grateful and we appreciate you so much. If you weren’t able to make it don’t worry, we can meet at your convenience this week 🙂 Here is what’s cooking this week in kindergarten. If there are any additions or modifications to the post I will made them as soon as possible. Have an amazing week, extended weekend and Happy Easter to the families who celebrate it!

Mrs. Ross 🙂

Spring Pictures: Tuesday 4-16-2019

Homework: This week your child will receive a new math packet and a social studies assignment that links to our unit “Who Am I?” Please help your child complete this assignment and turn it back in to school by Thursday, 4-18-19. Thank you in advance for your support!

Popcorn: Popcorn will not be on this week because we do not have school on Friday! 

Library check out: This week we will have check out so make sure books are back in the bags Monday night and ready to go Tuesday morning first thing!

Reading Packs: Make sure your child is spending about 10-15 minutes reading at night on Raz-Kids and the books, letters/words you find in the reading packs. This will help your child SO much reviewing their personal bags each night! All bags have been switched so make sure you child is practicing books they receive this week. All reading packs, Raz-Kids and personal books at home count toward March Reading Logs!

Spelling: -it word family continued: *kit, *sit, *pit, bit, hit, *fit, lit …..sight words: two, play

New Family: -ug word family      *sight words: him , his 

LA Book: Easter Bunnies Assistant, blends sl,sc,sn,sw, blending and segmenting syllables and informational books(science)

Writing: Opinion Writing linked to book of the week (Should the Easter Bunny allow Skunk to help him with the Easter eggs?)

Social Studies: Unit 1: Who am I?

New Science Unit: Earth and Space Science: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Animals, Plants and their Environments

*Guiding Essential Question/Content: 1. Where do animals live and why do they live there? 2. Plants and animals can change their environment 3. natural resources, human impacts on earth systems