Week of 1-22-2018

My goodness we are already reaching the end of January! I can not believe it. I am so proud of all our progress in Kdg and First grade this year! We are finishing the second report card marks this week and you will be receiving them along with the NWEA printout very soon! I also wanted to extend a special THANK YOU to Mrs. Saylor, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Heaton for helping us pop popcorn on Friday and saving the day! The hungry little penguins of DuVall thank you as well!  As we head in to the week, here is what you need to know. If there is any new information I will send it out immediately! Have a wonderful week 🙂

Important Dates:

Every Tuesday: Library Check out

Friday 1-26-2017: 1/2 Day for Elementary Students



kdg: -et Family  *jet, wet, *pet, *get, vet, net, set, bet (*hot words are words guaranteed on test!)  this week we will focus on the short /e/ like elephant as well

First: -ing family sting, swing, spring, king, wing, sing, ring, bring, be, have 

Reading: Trade Book: The Case of the Stripes

Poem: Head and Shoulders

Math: Cont. addition and measurement First graders will take their unit 4 assessment this week!

Writing/Social Studies: Cont. publishing how we are “special” and unique. The theme of being special and unique also links to the new trade book “The Case of the Stripes” as well and the idea of being ourselves 



Dear families,

Our class wanted to share the awesome news that we have also rocked the math NWEA assessment last week! I am SO proud of the hard work, dedication to learning, enthusiasm and stamina your child has shown this year so far. What means the most to me as a teacher (and mother of a child who also takes these assessments) is that our children take it slowly and with meaning but do not put too much pressure on themselves. Now whatever the score, we will celebrate our efforts! We feel like eating PIZZA!!!

So, tomorrow afternoon, during our PM snack time, Mrs. Ross will be ordering 2 cheese and 2 pepperoni pizza to kick back, relax and celebrate our EFFORTS (although we also rocked our scores hee hee)!

In addition, I just wanted to sincerely thank you once again for sending such well rested, well prepared, enthusiastic young learners to school every day for me to love and love teaching! Thank you for ALL you do with them at home to teach and reinforce great learning. We are such a great team!


Mrs. Ross and Class 🙂

Calling Popcorn Moms/Dads!

Greetings dear families! I just wanted to send a message asking for about 2/3 parent helpers for popcorn tomorrow! If you are interested please reply 🙂 Thank you in advance for you help as usual!


In addition, I wanted to send a message about how proud I am of our class! we took our reading NWEA test today and we ROCKED IT! ALL students grew in their scores and skills and I am so proud!!! Tomorrow we will take the math section so make sure your darlings eat a great breakfast and get a good nights sleep!



Please visit our spelling page to view your child’s spellingcity.com username and password so they can visit the site a few times a week! This is a fun and effective way to practice spelling family words! New lists are on and ready to go! Have fun!

Weeks 1-8-2018 through 1-16-2018

Image result for happy new year 2018

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful and restful winter holiday and Happy New Year! Last week we came back to school and began our winter testing. We have a lot to do! I will be assessing your child’s growth for the second report card on all their reading skills in addition to their current reading level for the report card. Reading groups have not resumed yet, so please continue to read Raz-kids in addition to reading packs this week. I am almost done, so next week I’ll begin exchanging books again. We will also be taking the NWEA for math and science the week of January 22nd! I can not wait to see the growth we have made this year so far 🙂 Last week in kindergarten, we began our spelling lessons with the -at family. In addition, we studied the idea of the “short a”. I am pleased to announce that the class did a WONDERFUL job on their test Friday and showed a great level of comprehension throughout the week. We work on segmenting, and manipulating the sounds in the word families each week and I am pleased with our progress. This week we will move on to the -an family. Thank you in advance for spending a few minutes each night reviewing these words with your child. You’re amazing! Have a wonderful week and I will update/add to this post if needed.


Mrs. Ross 🙂


Here is what you need to know for this week:

Important Dates:

*Wednesday January 17th: Late Start! 

*Pancake Dinner at DuVall Friday the 19th! 


Spelling words:

KDG -an family: can, man, ran, pan, fan, tan, ban, van

First: -ell family: tell, well, spell, fell, shell, bell, yell, smell, but, out

Math: addition, measurement

Addition focus in kdg and first and

non standard measurement in first


Writing: Inspired by MLK Day we are writing about kindness and why we are special and different

Reading: Trade book: Ron’s Big Mission by Rose Blue

Poetry: Freedom, Freedom