Dear families of 111,
I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather over the weekend! We are still excited over at the Ross house for the start of soccer season. Our son Benjamin is on the Dearborn “Little Kickers” team and it is so adorable. Well we have been working SO hard last week to build up our stamina and expectations for Daily 5 Read-to-Self, Poetry and Math workshop. I am so proud to announce that our class was able to work independently for 10 MINUTES on day 1 and 15 MINUTES on day two of practice! We enjoyed a cookie treat Friday to celebrate our hard work. In the first month of kindergarten it is important to remember that your child is working so hard and tired when getting home. I am going to begin sending home small things for you to work on at home with your child, but we will slowly build up homework expectations. As something new comes home, I will post new blog directions.
Here is what you can expect this week in kindergarten…
Letter Focus: M m
Word(s) of the week: to
Reading: Practicing Daily 5 stamina for Read-to-Self and working with the book “Rainbow Fish”
Math: Continuing working on numbers from 0-5 and number sense talks and math workshop expectations and work stations
Poetry: Little Miss Muffett looking for the letter M, S, and the words the and to and rhyming words
Writer’s Workshop: What is a writer? Expectations and working on “Rainbow Fish” connections how to be a good friend.
PBIS: This week we will continue to work on learning about the PBIS behavior system for great behavior and positive rewards. Monday, your child will bring home their folder with the PBIS calendar in the back. PLEASE KEEP IT in the folder in the back all year and I will collect it and switch it each month. As a parent, I need your help to partner with me and discuss all the wonderful and challenging days your child has each day/week/month this year. Also, at the end of the week please initial the column for parents and I will know you are communicating with your child about their school manners. Remember, your child is NOT a perfect person and we do not expect them to be! But, this PBIS system is meant to stop bullying in school and reward your child when they are actively behaving well and being “respectful, responsible and safe.” Please help me “teach” your child how to correct and maintain the desired behaviors of McCollough Students. In addition, this month is practice and the colors they bring home will NOT count officially until October!
This week we will ease into homework by working on the letter ‘M m’ assigned for phonics. This homework assignment is due on Friday and will be added to your child’s spelling and phonics folder in school.
#1. Cut or print 3 pictures from the internet, magazines, grocery store flyers etc. to place on the back of the paper (pictures must be small enough to paste on this single page). In addition, you and your child will work hard on all the letters and sounds in the alphabet, your child’s name reading and writing, and any of the suggested activities you wish to do on the front of the paper!
#2 Your child needs to practice writing their name at the top of the page on the back.
#3Underneath each picture you cut and paste please have your child attempt to phonetically spell the word. For example under the picture of a milk jug they would write milk the best they can. Have them stretch it our slowly and write what they hear. You do not need to fix it unless it is completely unreadable lol (I’d like to see what they hear!)
#4 Write the capital and lowercase letter 5 times each in the correct square.
*Each Friday, I will collect these and the idea is to create a folder to help your child practice letters and sounds during “word work” in Daily5! Thank you in advance for all your help!
ex.) Mieelk
*Dates to Remember:
September 22, back to school carnival!
NWEA: testing has begun and this month your child will be pulled out individually to see how well they do in math and language arts. This is just the first/baseline test. Please make sure your child is getting a good night sleep!