“Hello Spring!”
Greetings room 106 Families!
Spring has sprung! Let’s hope the weather continues to warm up and stay pleasant for us during the spring season. THANK YOU to all the families that have been coming into the class as Mystery Readers this month. The students and I have been enjoying all the stories 🙂 I have included some of the pictures below of the guest readers for you to enjoy…
Here is what you need to know this short week in school and just after the break:
*Reading Minutes are due Thursday morning for March Reading Month! Make sure all calendars are all signed and updated
*Spirit Week: Mon- DuVall day, Tuesday- Favorite Sport Day, Wednesday- Beach day (NO swimsuits), Thursday- PJs (pajama day!)
*Spring Vacation: Friday, March 30th, 2018! Students are to report back to school on Monday April 9th, 2018
* Spelling KDG: -ug family (bug, rug, tug, mug, jug, dug, hug, am, we)
*First Grade: long /i/ pattern again this week
*Please turn in permission slip (completely filled out) for the zoo field trip in a white envelope with your child’s name on it and the $6 entry fee included
Have a wonderful week! I will add and update any changes if need be 🙂
Mrs. Ross 🙂