Week of 3-26-2018

Image result for spring

“Hello Spring!”

Greetings room 106 Families!

Spring has sprung! Let’s hope the weather continues to warm up and stay pleasant for us during the spring season. THANK YOU to all the families that have been coming into the class as Mystery Readers this month. The students and I have been enjoying all the stories 🙂 I have included some of the pictures below of the guest readers for you to enjoy…


Here is what you need to know this short week in school and just after the break:

*Reading Minutes are due Thursday morning for March Reading Month! Make sure all calendars are all signed and updated

*Spirit Week: Mon- DuVall day, Tuesday- Favorite Sport Day, Wednesday- Beach day (NO swimsuits), Thursday- PJs (pajama day!)

*Spring Vacation: Friday, March 30th, 2018! Students are to report back to school on Monday April 9th, 2018

* Spelling KDG: -ug family (bug, rug, tug, mug, jug, dug, hug, am, we)

*First Grade: long /i/ pattern again this week

*Please turn in permission slip (completely filled out) for the zoo field trip in a white envelope with your child’s name on it and the $6 entry fee included


Have a wonderful week! I will add and update any changes if need be 🙂

Mrs. Ross 🙂

Spring Recesses!

Image result for pictures of boo boosDear families,

As the weather gets warmer, we are going to be playing outside a lot more woohoo!!! The warm weather brings with it fun, smiles and also new boo-boos! Unfortunately we had a few sad faces today after I picked the students up from lunch recess! This is to be expected though because all the kiddos are SO excited to run and play 🙂 As a class we revisited classroom and playground expectations at 12:00pm today and how to make sure we stay safe while playing outside on the cement AND recess with older students outside. Here is what we came up with to avoid injuries:

  1. WALK on the cement when the lunch moms blow the whistle to line up
  2. Play with students on the wood chips when we run
  3. Play with students our own age and size and do NOT join in a game such as soccer on the black top with the older students in the afternoon!
  4. Stick together and never leave the teacher
  5. When the teacher blows the whistle I should also walk quickly to the line and wait for her

We would really appreciate if you went over these expectations with your child again to help the teacher and lunch staff keep your precious babies safe and happy!



Mrs. Ross and Class!

Week of 3-19-2017

Greetings Room 106!

Just a few reminders this week:

  • If you have a spring conference for this Thursday, March 22nd you received a note home from the teacher last week. I look forward to seeing those families at their conference times. Please remember to be prompt because appointment times are back to back.
  • The kdg is in the process of organizing a field trip to the zoo in April! Permission slips will go home this week, so please return them as soon as possible! We will require 6 chaperones for the trip (I’ll pick through the lottery system again!). We are excited for this opportunity.
  • Please make sure you child is continuing to log his/her reading minutes each night on their March Reading Calendar Log so that we can try and win a pizza party at the end of March from the PTA! Please place them in the homework folder on Monday’s so I can see and track your child’s progress!
  • Last night your child received their pasta for pennies information. Please help your child collect spare change and donations for this important cause and return the box on the due date! If we collect the most money in DuVall we could win a pasta party from Olive garden and second place wins an ice cream party! Best of luck with your donations.
  • Guest Readers: We thank all of our guest readers who have volunteered their time to come in and help us share in the joy of reading. We look forward to any more parents/grandparents who come to read for the rest of the month!

Spelling this week:

KDG -ot family

First Grade: Long /i/ sound pattern from the /y/


Have a wonderful week! I’ll update the blog when I have more news from our classroom…


Mrs. Ross 🙂