Week of 10-30-2017!

Image result for halloween party

Dear Families,

This post is to refresh your memories and invite all families to join us on October 31st, 2017 from 2:00 pm until 3:30 pm in room 106 for our Halloween party! I wanted to THANK YOU again for all your donations on the “sign up Genius” to help organize the party. Any dry goods donated for the party can be sent to us in room 106 on Monday before or after school if you wish.

Here are some details you’ll need to remember for the big day tomorrow:

*Please send your child’s costume to school in a marked bag (with their first and last names on it) to change after lunch!

*Lunch will run as normally scheduled so make sure you pack a good lunch and send it in their backpacks as usual. If they are buying lunch they’ll make a choice as always. No need to send in an afternoon snack because we plan to eat some junk lol!

*All students must dress for the weather so if your child is wearing a princess dress for example make sure to have leggings or a coat for over it ๐Ÿ™‚ Although I’d hate to cramp a princesses style if you’d rather her put on on over her clothes? ๐Ÿ™‚

*Mr. Attee has asked for all students to leave weapons, hand held accessories and masks of any kind at home! If your child is going to be a superhero or a ninja though for example I am really good at face painting and this is how we could get around the “mask” rule ๐Ÿ™‚

*If your child would like to share candy with their friends on this day, we will do a “trick or treating” during the day. If your child would like to participate, PLEASE stay away from candy with nuts. We have a hazelnut allergy. THANK YOU for your help. In addition, these candies will be in paper bags, so please make sure that they are individually wrapped products like a sucker, package of skittles, small snack sized pretzels, gummy bears etc.

*Please make sure to send in their backpacks and folders like any other day! This will help them put treats away and any important notes that come home from the office.

*If there are a couple moms/dads that would like to help decorate our room for the party. My thought is to transform the room while the students are walking in the parade and cover the tables and get supplies ready for the kids at the tables. If you are interested in helping decorate please hit reply and I can have you work as a decorating team!

Again, I would like to thank you in advance for your generosity, support and raising the most WONDERFUL boys and girls I get to teach every day. Life in room 106 is the best!

If there are any questions regarding the party or costumes please do not hesitate to ask or come and see me after school! Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing all moms, dads, grandpas and grandmas, nonas and papas, sisters and brothers on the big day!


Mrs. Ross ๐Ÿ™‚



Image result for oops i made a mistake picture

Hello all! Please join us Friday night for the DuVall school dance! I am SO excited to see all of our darlings there dressed up!

I also wanted to take this time to correct a typing error I made about the classroom party date! Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention!!!! It is actually on Halloween 10-31-2017! I apologize if that caused any confusion, my fingers and brain were having a disagreement! So, I hope to see you there on Tuesday for both the parade AND the party! Friday evening I hope to see you at school for the dance!


Silly old Mrs. Ross ๐Ÿ™‚

Room 106’s Halloween Bash 2017! IT IS ON HALLOWEEN!!!

Image result for halloween party

Dear Families,

This post is to invite all families to join us on October 31st, 2017 from 2:00 pm until 3:30pm in room 106 for our Halloween party! I have sent you a “sign up Genius” to help organize the party and make sure we don’t duplicate any goods. If you would like to donate any supplies for the occasion I thank you in advance, but do not feel pressured! Any dry goods donated for the party can be sent to us in room 106 in advance if you wish. Thank you to Maliya’s mom for sending in a few supplies and cute foam pumpkins already! We’ll put them to good use ๐Ÿ™‚

Here are some details you’ll need to know for the big day:

*Please send your child’s costume to school in a marked bag (with their first and last names on it) to change after lunch!

*Lunch will run as normally scheduled so make sure you pack a good lunch and send it in their backpacks. If they are buying lunch they’ll make a choice as always.

*All students must dress for the weather so if your child is wearing a princess dress for example make sure to have leggings or a coat for over it ๐Ÿ™‚ Although I’d hate to cramp a princesses style ๐Ÿ™‚

*Mr. Attee has asked for all students to leave weapons, hand held accessories and masks of any kind at home! If your child is going to be a superhero or a ninja though for example I am really good at face painting and this is how we could get around the “mask” rule ๐Ÿ™‚

*If your child would like to share candy with their friends on this day, we will do a “trick or treating” during the day. If your child would like to participate, PLEASE stay away from candy with nuts. We have a hazelnut allergy. THANK YOU for your help. In addition, these candies will be in paper bags, so please make sure that they are individually wrapped products like a sucker, package of skittles, small snack sized pretzels, gummy bears etc.

*Please make sure to send in their backpacks and folders like any other day! This will help them put treats away and any important notes that come home from the office.

*If there are a couple moms/dads that would like to help decorate our room for the party. My thought is to transform the room while the students are walking in the parade and transform the classroom into our spooky yet super fun and not really scary party room ๐Ÿ™‚ If you are interested in helping decorate please hit reply and I can have you work as a decorating team! I will pick up some cool decorations for the room but am totally open to suggestions ๐Ÿ™‚

Lastly, I would like to thank you once again in advance for your generosity, support and raising the most WONDERFUL boys and girls I get to teach every day. Life in room 106 is such a joy!

If there are any questions regarding the party or costumes please do not hesitate to ask or come and see me after school! Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing all moms, dads, grandpas and grandmas, nonas and papas, sisters and brothers on the big day!


Mrs. Ross ๐Ÿ™‚ย Image result for halloween party

Field Trip Update: Chaperones on Bus

Hello wonderful families of room 106!

As we kick off another exciting week in school, here is everything you need to know! I recorded Benny pulling the names of the chaperones on Friday, but alas I am having some technical difficulties getting the video uploaded ahh!!!!! I will upload it as soon as my husband helps me figure it out lol! Here are the results though! Remember if your name was not pulled to ride the bus, you can STILL JOIN US by following in your car and you will be admitted FREE as well!!! Please fill out the note that I send you home Monday night and promptly return it Tuesday morning. THANK YOU in advance for you support and offering your personal time to help our little ones! You are SO VERY appreciated!

Chaperones on Bus:

Mrs. Heaton, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Elabed, Mrs. Freitag, Mrs, Miller, Mrs. Leusca

In class this week:

*Monday: First Graders will be taking their first Unit 1 math test! When it is sent home please sign and return it.

-Kinders will continue Unit 2

*IN Reading this week, we will compare the two books “Goodnight Moon” and “Goodnight Moon”

Poem: 5 Little Pumpkins

*First Grade Spelling words: -thย  (than, thing, they, there, thank, that, them, this, was, said)

*As we end the Unit on 5 senses and begin Push and Pulls, I will begin individual assessments of the Unit

I will update as soon as I hear of anything I have forgotten! Thank you and have a wonderful work together.



Hello lovely families!

Picture day is completed and ALL your darlings looked FANTASTIC! I fixed every collar and straightened every bow and it was such a success!!! THANK YOU for having all the picture information and packages completed before school. WOW! That was the easiest picture day I’ve every had. Room 106 rocks!

REMINDER: Tomorrow ALL field trip pieces are due to the teacher. If you sent in the permission slip only, please make sure to send in your child’s $8 in a white or clear baggie with their name on top. It will be easier for me to determine whose money belongs to who after my folder mom takes everything out ๐Ÿ™‚ THANK YOU so much to everyone for volunteering their time to chaperone. I’ll let you all know asap over the weekend when Benny pulls the names out!


Mrs. Ross and Class ๐Ÿ™‚

Spelling City! Raz-kids! Reading Packs!

Dear Parents,

I have been looking into the account on spelling city! First grade parents please continue to use this website as a tool for your children to practice spelling words throughout the week! It can make a huge difference in their scores each week! Kinders please use the Green List #1 to practice sight words as well! You all have your reading packs now, and an individual sight word. This website counts with Raz -kids and your reading packs towards nightly reading homework.

THANK YOU for looking at it once again! For those that have not checked it out please do so it’s a great resource ๐Ÿ™‚

*As a footnote, please make sure that red reading packs are going home and back each day! We have now all received one and Mrs. Ross has begun reading with individual groups! Yay!!! This is a wonderful start, and we are WELL on our way. Thank you for all the hard work you do with your children at home, it SHOWS as I am teaching them each day! Your babies are a JOY to work!

Mrs. Ross ๐Ÿ™‚

Week of 10-16-2017

Image result for ann arbor hands on museum

  • Greetings room 106 Families,ย I hope this message finds you well rested and DRY! It has been such a wet and windy weekend. My family had a block party in the rain Saturday ๐Ÿ™ Funny thing is that the children had a BLAST and didn’t care at all about the rain lol! I am hoping for better weather this week so that our darlings can enjoy some down time and free time OUTSIDE on the playground! As we head into week 6 here is what you need to know so get your pencilsย  and paper and mark your calendars!ย ย  
  • Important Info:
    • We will be going on a FIELD TRIP on November 6th to the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum! Yay!!! Look for the permission slip to come home Monday afternoon and please have them filled out completely and sent back to Mrs. Ross by Friday , 10-20-2017 at the latest. ย Chaperones: we have room for 6 chaperones to ride the bus and those names will be drawn on Friday the 20th. I’ll try to videotape my son Benjamin pulling the names out of a “hat” and post the video online on the blog Friday night. Ben is SO proud and excited to play such an important role in our field trip ๐Ÿ™‚ Remember to have ichat forms completed in the office ASAP! We are not allowed parent volunteers by law who do not have these completed! It’s great to do them now, they are good for several years! Thank you in advance for all your help, understanding, and timeliness as we organize our trip.
    • Our BOOK ORDER IS IN!!! Your child will be bringing home new books Monday afternoon! Thank you for helping your child build up a personal library at home they are going to be thrilled!
    • Wednesday October 18th, 2017 we have our first LATE START! ย All students will arrive one hour later to school while teachers have a staff meeting. I will see all my darlings at 9:35 am on Wednesday! I hope you get to sleep in ๐Ÿ™‚
    • *Math KDG: In KDG this week we will continue Unit 2 and compare numbers and groups of objects by attributes. Firsties will continue studying tally marks, addition and subtraction facts, story problems and base ten numbers. First grade parents PLEASE have your children use the site Xtra math to practice math facts. This week I will be assessing first grade students on the CCSS: tally marks, addition fluency to 10, numbers before and after any given number to 100, and base ten. I will send home some study guides to help ๐Ÿ™‚
    • Science: 5 Senses Unit Finish this weekโ€ฆ
    • This week we will finish our Unit on the 5 Senses and then be moving on to “Force and Motion” next week! We will study pushes and pulls and prepare to use our knowledge on the field trip to the Hands on Museum!
    • Social Studies-This week we will talk about sharing and taking turns and complete a friendship craft (we will be making our own “rainbow fish” and have already started writing about how we can be “good friends”
    • *Writerโ€™s Workshop- This week we will continue writing through illustrations. However, in Social studies we are writing to answer the prompt, “I Can Be A Good Friend”…….
    • Language Arts-This week we will enjoy comparing the ย similarities and differences between the two narrative trade books โ€œWhereโ€™s My Mummy?โ€ Carolyn Crimi and โ€œAre You My Mother?โ€ P.D. Eastman
      • in addition, students will be introduced to the “short o and i, we will work on identifying beginning consonant sounds and rhymes (ex. /c/ and then /ot/)
      • POEM: Mummy! We will continue to hear and identify rhymes this week, and now we will identify which “two” words in a series of three rhyme (ex. hat, book, bat)
    • Spelling-
      • First Graders: Week 5: -ar word family controlled โ€œrโ€ (far, jar, are, art, start, bark, yard, arm, farm, card)
      • -KDG: Please continue to work on individual spelling words from the green card and unknown letters in the alphabet!

I hope you all have a wonderful week! I will be sure to add and update any and all information as the week progresses if there are any changes to this information! See you all Monday morning!


Mrs. Ross ๐Ÿ™‚

Homework week of 10-9-2017

Hello parents and families of 106!

This week we will be doing a fun math assignment for homework! You have until Monday to turn it in, however you may feel free to turn it in early!

We will be making a “number sense” quilt! Your child will be responsible for only 1 square of the quilt! So, if they have the number 5 they will place the number 5 somewhere in the upper left corner and then glue FIVE pictures of anything they want to on the number 5 page! We have 24 students in the class, so when we are all done we will have 24 squares with different amounts on each square. Good luck and have fun! Your child may draw or find pictures in a magazine or download pictures from the internet. In addition, your child may want to use stickers! Make it as cool as your want but very clear in the background so that we can tell what the objects are. THANK YOU in advance for your support as always, and you can look for the piece of card stock to come home today.


Mrs. Ross and Class