Week of 2-24-2020

Welcome back! I hope you had a restful winter break and got to enjoy time with family and friends. Here is what we will be busy doing in kindergarten this week. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for your family!

Important Dates/Reminders:

*Raz-Kids: Please make sure to spend 10-15 minutes a night reading and enjoying Raz-Kids as well as reading packs and personal libraries. This week, we will work really hard to take out old books and begin rebuilding the books in our reading packs.

Thursday April 16th: Lifetouch Spring Pictures

LA/Writing: This week we will continue writing story problems in writer’s workshop as well as beginning a story about leprechaun’s for March.

Spelling: This week we will be studying the -op family (bop, cop, hop, mop, pop, sop, top, stop)

Math: Module 4 cont. about using tools such as the 5 and 10 frames and number bonds to compose, decompose and add/subtract combos of 5 and 10. Homework packets are due Monday and your child will receive a new pack of 5 lessons tomorrow as well as a new math game.

Social Studies: Cont. Where am I? Unit. Please continue to send in your child’s personal map of their bedroom. We have really been enjoying sharing our maps and using our position words to describe where things are in our rooms. For those students who have not sent in the assignment, I’ll resend it to you this week to make sure your child receives full credit!

Week of 2-10-2020

Image result for valentines day clip art

We will be busy working hard this week. Here is what we will be doing. If there are any changes or additions to our week I’ll be sure to send a message. Happy Valentine’s Day to all and I hope you have a wonderful and restful Mid-Winter Break next week!

Important Dates/Reminders:

Monday 2-10: Spelling assessment on the -et families

Friday 2-14-2020: Valentine’s Day! Students will be enjoying Valentine’s themed activities throughout the day. We’ll be passing out Valentines cards in the morning and enjoying a treat before lunch 🙂 If you would like to send in a card or treat please make sure to send in one for each child. we have 21 students. Please make sure treats are individually packaged and allergen free (nuts, eggs). Here are some safe food free ideas OR candies to choose from:

heart pencils, mini erasers, Hershey’s milk chocolate kisses, dum dum suckers, Jolly Rancher hard candies, skittles, smarties.

Raz-Kids: Please make sure to spend 10-15 minutes a night reading and enjoying Raz-Kids as well as reading packs and personal libraries.

Monday 10/17-10/21: Mid Winter Break! Mandatory relaxation and fun with families 🙂

Thursday April 16th: Lifetouch Spring Pictures

LA/Writing: This week we will continue writing story problems in writer’s workshop as well as letters/cards to loved ones.

Spelling: This week we will be studying the -ig family (big, dig, fig, gig, jig, pig, rig, wig)

Math: Module 4 cont. about using tools such as the 5 and 10 frames and number bonds to compose, decompose and add/subtract combos of 5 and 10. Homework packets are due tomorrow and your child will receive a new pack of 5 lessons tomorrow.

Social Studies: Cont. Where am I? Unit. Please make sure to send in your child’s personal map of their bedroom. I can’t wait to see how great they look!

100th Day Celebration!

I wanted to take a moment to THANK you all for helping us make our 100th Day of school a joyous success! Noah and Isaiah we MISSED you so much and hope you’re feeling better soon. The kids looked precious and we had a blast. Thank you so much for donating snacks to help us make our trail mix. In addition, thank you for sending in the 100 Day collections for us to share and compare. Here are the pictures I took on Friday I hope you enjoy them!

Week of 2-3-2020

Image result for 100th day of school

I hope you are all having a wonderful week! We are going to be jam packed with fun and learning. Here is what’s cooking! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for your family.

*If we happen to have a snow day on Thursday, our next day of school (Monday 2-10-2020 will be our 100th Day of school and the backup celebration dress up day!)

Important Dates/School Events:

100th Day Thursday: 100th Day! Students may dress as their future 100 year old selves as we enjoy fun activities sprinkled throughout our daily curriculum. THANK YOU so much to all the students who have donated skittles and cheese its for our math fun! It is going to be a delicious lesson 🙂

100th Day Collections: Thank you all for taking the time to count out 100 small items for your child’s zip lock baggie! We had SO much fun sharing three of them so far this week. Looking forward to sharing and displaying the rest.

Friday 2-7-2020: NO SCHOOL KDG ONLY! KDG teachers have PD. All other grade levels report as usual.

Popcorn Friday: Although we do not have school this Friday, your child can send quarters in with a sibling if they still want popcorn!

LA: Penguin Research Project! We read like crazy about penguins. We are reading both narrative and informational texts and comparing the difference in structural elements!

Raz-Kids: I hope your family is enjoying Raz-Kids are home! The kiddos have been giving me wonderful feedback at school about it and we are loving it during our Daily 5! Thank you for helping your child work so hard on their reading skills!

Math: This week your child will receive our first 5 lessons in a packet from module 4! The journals from module 3 went home this week. We are moving on to the next skills 🙂 and they are yours to complete if you wish. I am so proud of our gains in math this year so far! We are a great team 🙂

Spelling: WOW! Our students are doing SO well on their word families! I am so proud of them 🙂 Due to the short week and weather we will be having our –et family spelling test on Monday 2-10-2020! We have been working on all these words in class, however only six words will be on the assessment. They are starred on the note going home tonight.

-et family: bet, get, jet, let, met, pet, set, vet, wet

Writing: This week has been SO busy in kindergarten so far! We have been in a writing frenzy working on writing narrative stories about “When I am 100” AND math number stories with illustrations and number bonds! Whew, we rock! We will continue these next week 🙂

Social Studies: This week we will continue our new Unit “Where are We?” We have been working on position words, reading a cool book called “Me on the Map!” and drawing simple maps of our classroom! This weekend your child will bring home a large piece of white construction paper in their homework folders. Please help your child draw and color a large map of their “bedrooms!” The directions will be on the small slip of paper that comes home with it 🙂 Thank you in advance for your help!