Week of 11-27-2017


Image result for being thankful

I have a lot to be thankful for. I am healthy, happy and I am loved.”

Reba McEntire 

Dear Families of room 106,

I hope this message finds you well and rested after this week! I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving with your loved ones. Mine started a little rocky on Tuesday afternoon as Antonia came down with a fever and croup 🙁 However, she bounced right back by the next morning and is doing just great! She even was able to make it to Thanksgiving dinner at her aunt Lizzie’s house 🙂 I am SO thankful for the health of my children among so many other blessings like the children I am able to teach and learn with each day. THANK YOU all so very much for being the amazing parents and partners with me this year! I can NOT believe that it will be December this week! I am so proud of all we have accomplished together this year, however the year needs to SLOW DOWN hee hee! I selfishly do not want it to come to an end 🙂

Here is what you can expect this week and if there are any additions or changes I’ll be sure to write again! Have a wonderful week!


Mrs. Ross 🙂

*Thank you very much to all who have donated cans to the school! Although we are not ahead of the pack, I am truly proud of how many cans our families have donated and thank you!


Important Dates: Looking Ahead

Late Start: December 20th

Winter Break: No school week of 12-25-17 and week of 1-1-18

School resumes:  1-8-2018!


*Spelling 1st: -sh words (wish, dish, push, fish, brush, fresh, smash, wash, his, him)

sight words K/1st: his, him

*Math KDG: Unit 6 Begin (Teen Numbers/Base Ten Focus)

*Math First: Students will take the pre-test for Unit 3 Monday and begin the unit on telling time to the hour and half hour/Base Ten Numbers 

*Whenever you can, have your child talk about and discuss what time it is to the hour and half hour and also on the digital clock!

*Science: Push and Pull Cont. Mystery Science Lessons this week 

-Mystery 4: (Strength and Direction of Force)  “How Can you knock down the most bowling pins?”

-Mystery 5 (Forces and Engineering) “How can we prevent a mountain town from falling rocks?”


*Social Studies– Needs and Wants Begin This week 🙂 If every child can find pictures from magazines, websites, etc. of needs and wants we would really appreciate them by Friday! Let’s say 5/10 pics of needs and wants each. 

*Writer’s Workshop-

-Monday Lesson 4: Making Words

-Tuesday Lesson 5: Mistakes

-Wednesday Lesson 6: Stretching Sounds

-Thursday Lesson 7: Stretching More Sounds

-Friday Lesson 8: Writing Tools- Sight Words


*Language Arts Week :  

-Trade Books:


*Mini Lessons: Review Week

-Which in a series rhyme? -Clapping Syllables -short and long i rhymes -isolate and produce final sounds -substitute final sounds -long and short sounds for all vowels



First: Week 10:-kdg: introduce sight words ( as, has)


Week of 11-5-2017

Mrs. Ross K/1 Class 2017!

Happy November! Wow I can NOT believe that is has already been 45 days of school! The first semester with your child has been such a JOY and I am looking forward to the second! This week, a handful of parents will attend the first scheduled parent/teacher conference 🙂 I am so excited to see you and talk “academic” turkey with you! EVERYONE has been progressing and as a whole I can not express enough how PROUD I am of this group of young learners.

Tomorrow we will see your child at school bright and early to go on our exciting field trip to the Ann Arbor Hands on Museum! Remember to pack their sack lunch and have them dress for the weather! If the weather is rainy it would be wise to have a rain coat or at least a winter coat on. We’ll have somewhere to put our things at the museum. Make sure to ask them all about it when they get home. The museum has so many floors of hands on science fun!

Reminder there is NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS on Tuesday, November 7th, 2017 . School will resume on Wednesday the 8th, 2017. 

Please continue to look at and sign the new November PBIS behavior document in the back of the homework folder, clean them out each night, and work each night on reading 10-20 minutes and math games 10-20 minutes (depending on your child being in K or 1).

Academics this week:

LA: Scarecrow narratice

Poem:;The Little Scarecrow

Math: Unit 3 cont. Numbers from 6-10 for Kdg

First: cont. Unit 2 number lines, addition stories, counting by 2s

Science: Push and Pull, Strength and Direction of Force  cont. and PUSH AND PULL observations at the museum

*Writing: Unit 2 begins, “Writing with sentences”


Have a wonderful week! If there is anything extra I need to add I’ll be in touch. Feel free to email me or see me if you have any questions or concerns about your darling!


Mrs. Ross



This week on Friday, November 3rd 2017 we have a half day and dismissal will be at 11:45 am! No need to send in a lunch 🙂 Your child will also be bringing home a reminder on Friday of our field trip Monday to the museum! In addition, there will also be a reminder of your appointment for conferences in November. Please take a look and let me know if there are any conflicts 🙂

Tonight, your child is bringing home their “NOVEMBER PBIS CALENDAR”! We had a GREAT month in October with our manners, and will continue to work on getting along with others! Thank you to all parents in advance for looking at manners each night and initialing the column once a week! If you have forgotten to do this in October, please begin initialing Sunday nights next month!

Thank you to all parents who shared Halloween pics from our party yesterday! I’ll upload them asap for you to see.

Have a wonderful night!

Mrs. Ross and Class 🙂