Happy Thanksgiving
Dear McCollough Families of Room 111,
Greetings and I hope this message finds you well! This is going to be a LONG blog post today and will cover us for next week as well because it is only two days! I can NOT believe how quickly the year is flying by!!! Here is everything you need to know for the next 7 days of school!
Letter(s) of the week: Aa this week and Ee next week
Word(s) of the week: am this week and for next week combined
LA Focus: Thanksgiving
Writing Focus: I am Thankful For…
Math Focus: New Unit 3! Numbers from 6-10 and all numbers 0-10 now!
Social Studies: New Unit beginning on Needs and Wants
Conferences: If you were unable to attend your conferences last Wednesday, please see Mrs. Ross to reschedule so we can discuss your child’s progress and I can give you their report card and NWEA testing information.
Conferences this week: I am looking forward to seeing you all at your conferences this week on Wednesday the 16th or Thursday the 17th! Please be prompt, conferences are only 15 minutes and they are back to back!
I Am Thankful Grams!
Kindergarten students are doing a fundraiser this week to raise money to buy specific educational websites we use in the classroom that are going to expire soon! I know several parents wanted out passwords for these, and we want to try and buy them for you again! Please take a few minutes to fill our the grams at night and return them to me by Friday the 18th, 2016 with the exact change in the envelope and your child’s friends and their teachers names and room numbers. The Thankful Grams will be $0.50 a piece. I hope the list helps. The kindergarten team and students thank you in advance for your support!
Thanksgiving Feast:
Our class is planning to participate in a k-2 Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday, November 22nd. We will be joining the other students in the hallways to eat a wonderful thanksgiving meal and thanks for our wonderful McUnis school family. This feast is for students only because the hallways has limited space but I PROMISE to post pics on the blog of our feast! I’ll be sending home a note this week on Monday if your family would like to donate some supplies for the feast! If your child would like send in $2 each we can order some pizza! You can send the paper back in with an x next to what your child would like to bring. I thank you in advance for your generosity and will be updating the blog as the week goes along!
Math/Reading Boot Camp!
This year one of my professional goals is “Parent Communication” as it pertains to your child’s academic and social growth. In order to connect to parents more with our school strategies I plan to help periodic “boot camps” after school where you come in at 3:15pm for about an hour and we learn, make and play a Language Arts and/or Math game! Then when the time is up, you will take this game home to practice the specific skills with your child! If would be awesome if someone from every child’s family was present because all the students love these games and could use more practice at home 🙂 Our first boot camp will be in our room 111 November 21st right before Thanksgiving break from 3:15pm-4:15pm! We’ll work on one LA game and one MATH game to “make and take” home! I hope you can all make it!
If there are more additions/corrections to this weeks newsletter I’ll up date you in the next seven days! I hope you have a warm and blessed Thanksgiving Break.
Mrs. Ross 🙂