Thank YOU!!!

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Dearest Families of room 111,

THANK you so very much for helping us make our “Thanksgiving Feast” and “Thankful Grams” a complete success!!! Our kiddos were so happy, and thankful and FULL! All the food was so appreciated and devoured! The good news is that we have more juice boxes left to start planning our next party for the winter break lol! Here are some pics that I took and Zach’s aunt shared. THANK you all again for your love and support. Have a wonderful, restful and peaceful Thanksgiving vacation with family and loved ones. Give your kiddos a squeeze from my family to yours.

With love and gratitude,

Mrs. Ross and Friends…

Thanksgiving Feast! photo-2 photo-3

Feast Donations Update!

Dearest families,

Thank you SO much for your donations! I have an updated list because several families have volunteered for the same items! Here is what we already have in class and still need… Thank you again in advance. Please respond on the blog from now on so that we don’t have multiple donations fo the same items. The kids say thank you and are SOOOO excited for Tuesday!


Already donated: 

Crackers (1box) thank you Hassan Jaffer!

Popped Popcorn: Thank you Hassan Jaffer!

Juice Boxes: Thank you Hassan Jaffer!

Plates/Napkins: Thank you Mariam Alzaroui!

5 pizzas: Thank you Zachariah! we will have 3 cheese and 3 halal pepperoni pizzas



Need Still:

2 more boxes of crackers: Rama Joumaa will bring one and Ruqaya Hamza will bring the other

grapes: 3 bags should be enough?

pumpkin pie: Mrs. Ross is going to bring individual pumpkin breads for each child! 

raisins: individual packages in the small boxes? 

Cheese cubes: They sell these in bulk at Gordon’s but also at Krogers


Reminders and Corrections…11-15-2016


Dear families,

*Late Start: This note is a reminder that tomorrow is a late start day…Students get to sleep in and report to school at 9:00 am! I will see you all bright and early at door #10 tomorrow morning.

*Media Check out: Tomorrow we also have library check out! So, please make sure that your child’s library book is in their backpack tonight and ready to go 🙂

*Correction: Mrs Ross was SOOOOOO goofy and the printer did NOT correctly print the letter Aa homework sheet ahhhhh Thank you Mrs. Abdo for pointing that out to me! Also, I didn’t put the recording sheets in there for the homework calendar ooops!!! I guess I’m not as perfect as I thought I was? I apologize for the setbacks and will correct it all tomorrow. If you need to go right ahead and have them turned in by next Tuesday before break because we have a weird seven day week!

*Correction: Due to the other two kindergarten teachers wanting to join us for Kindergarten Boot Camp this month, we will be changing the date for after Thanksgiving Vacation! We will all meet as one large KDG group after school still though at 3:15pm the last week in November and I will

*Turkey Grams: are due by Friday and are for any friend your child would like to say they appreciate! Make sure you turn them in with the correct amount of money in an envelope! This money goes to KDG yay!!! We will be purchasing awesome computer sites for your child to use at school and home!


Have a wonderful night everyone and thank you for all you do with your children!

Week of 11-14-2016

Image result for thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear McCollough Families of Room 111,

Greetings and I hope this message finds you well! This is going to be a LONG blog post today and will cover us for next week as well because it is only two days! I can NOT believe how quickly the year is flying by!!! Here is everything you need to know for the next 7 days of school!

Letter(s) of the week: Aa this week and Ee next week

Word(s) of the week: am this week and for next week combined

LA Focus: Thanksgiving

Writing Focus: I am Thankful For…

Math Focus: New Unit 3! Numbers from 6-10 and all numbers 0-10 now!

Social Studies: New Unit beginning on Needs and Wants

Conferences: If you were unable to attend your conferences last Wednesday, please see Mrs. Ross to reschedule so we can discuss your child’s progress and I can give you their report card and NWEA testing information.

Conferences this week: I am looking forward to seeing you all at your conferences this week on Wednesday the 16th or Thursday the 17th! Please be prompt, conferences are only 15 minutes and they are back to back!

I Am Thankful Grams!

Kindergarten students are doing a fundraiser this week to raise money to buy specific educational websites we use in the classroom that are going to expire soon! I know several parents wanted out passwords for these, and we want to try and buy them for you again! Please take a few minutes to fill our the grams at night and return them to me by Friday the 18th, 2016  with the exact change in the envelope and your child’s friends and their teachers names and room numbers. The Thankful Grams will be $0.50 a piece. I hope the list helps. The kindergarten team and students thank you in advance for your support!

Thanksgiving Feast:

Our class is planning to participate in a k-2 Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday, November 22nd. We will be joining the other students in the hallways to eat a wonderful thanksgiving meal and thanks for our wonderful McUnis school family. This feast is for students only because the hallways has limited space but I PROMISE to post pics on the blog of our feast! I’ll be sending home a note this week on Monday if your family would like to donate some supplies for the feast! If your child would like send in $2 each we can order some pizza!  You can send the paper back in with an x next to what your child would like to bring. I thank you in advance for your generosity and will be updating the blog as the week goes along!

Math/Reading Boot Camp!

This year one of my professional goals is “Parent Communication” as it pertains to your child’s academic and social growth. In order to connect to parents more with our school strategies I plan to help periodic “boot camps” after school where you come in at 3:15pm for about an hour and we learn, make and play a Language Arts and/or Math game! Then when the time is up, you will take this game home to practice the specific skills with your child! If would be awesome if someone from every child’s family was present because all the students love these games and could use more practice at home 🙂 Our first boot camp will be in our room 111 November 21st right before Thanksgiving break from 3:15pm-4:15pm! We’ll work on one LA game and one MATH game to “make and take” home! I hope you can all make it!

If there are more additions/corrections to this weeks newsletter I’ll up date you in the next seven days! I hope you have a warm and blessed Thanksgiving Break.


Mrs. Ross 🙂

Wayne County Regional Enhancement Education Millage Proposal


School districts in Wayne County have placed a proposal on the November 8th ballot to provide added funding for our schools. It is the “Regional Enhancement Millage Proposal.”

If approved by the entire county, the 2 mil proposal will generate approximately $6.2 million from Dearborn but the District will receive $7.8 million in additional funding for our schools.  Money would go to local schools starting this year and the millage expires after six years.  Continue reading »

Wayne County Regional Enhancement Education Millage Proposal


School districts in Wayne County have placed a proposal on the November 8th ballot to provide added funding for our schools. It is the “Regional Enhancement Millage Proposal.”

If approved by the entire county, the 2 mil proposal will generate approximately $6.2 million from Dearborn but the District will receive $7.8 million in additional funding for our schools.  Money would go to local schools starting this year and the millage expires after six years.  Continue reading »

Reminders and Thank you!

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THANK YOU to all the mom’s (Jenna’s mom, Adam’s mom, Adam Chami’s mom, Mariam’s mom, Zahraa’s sister, Lana’s mom, Ramaa’s mom and grandmother, Hassan’s mom, Zach’s mom, Nabaa’s mom, Mujtaba’s mom, Ruqayah H’s mom,  that came in yesterday to help us with our party and/or see us parade our costumes! You made it a HUGE SUCCESS and we had a blast. I just know you all had such a great time making those pumpkins (lol) but they were just gorgeous thank you for your help 🙂




*Tomorrow is library check out, so please make sure your child has their library book ready to go tonight in their backpacks!

*Picture day envelopes went home today! Our picture day is this week on Thursday, so make sure your child is looking sharp and dressed appropriately for the weather. If anyone needs help filling out the envelopes, please bring them to me after school tomorrow instead of Thursday morning. I’m always here to help 🙂 But, please have exact change. I won’t have it and the office never does…eek!

*Homework: The kindergarten teachers and I decided to give your child another day to rest and recuperate from all the crazy candy and trick-or-treating yesterday! So relax and read with your child tonight and get to sleep early 🙂 Homework packets will be waiting for you tomorrow, and they can be turned in on Friday if they are done, or on Monday instead if you wish 🙂

Hope this message finds you well,

Happy November!