Week of 3-20-2017

Greetings room 111! I hope this message finds you all well and enjoying another week with family!

Happy March is Reading Month! Thank you to our students from 111 who dressed up on Friday to show their 80s Rock Spirit! Be sure to check your March Activity calendar to help your child “dress accordingly” on the fun days we have sprinkled throughout the month and especially on Fridays! This Friday coming up, we will have another fun dress up opportunity to dress like a “ROCK STAR!” Have fun, can’t wait to see my super stars!

The office is checking into rescheduling our field trip to the creative arts studio. I will relay the information as soon as I get it! Thank you for being flexible.

Here is what is going on in class this week. Have a wonderful week, I will be sure to update the iblog as needed with classroom news!

Word Family: –ot family (hot, pot, cot, dot, tot, rot)

LA: “Moon” Non Fiction Focus: Inferring, Integration of Knowledge RI.K.7 (How can I use the photographs and illustrations to predict the text?)

Poem: “Itsy Bitsy Spider”

Math: Unit 10: Addition: Combining Groups to 6, 7, 8,9, adding with 0 and 1, combining sets to 10.

Science: Force and Motion continue…”When Objects Collide”, and “Exploring different amounts of force needed to push or pull objects”!

Social Studies: Common Assessment Where Am I?

Monday: Gym with Mrs. Fenner. Please return homework packets, new ones will be sent home today

Tuesday: Music with Mrs. Wilder and Art with Mrs. Brown (WearPJs it’s Movie Night!)

Wednesday: Computers with Mrs. Pantaleo

Thursday: Music with Mrs. Wilder in the PM

Friday: Gym with Mrs. Fenner

*Important Dates:

March 15th: Late Start 9:00am at our playground door

-March 26th: Parent Teacher Conferences (Only if your child receives a conference slip from the teacher)

March 30th: Annual Reading Night: 5:00pm-7:00pm

Rockin’ Movie Night March 21st (3:00pm-5:00pm) : Rock your PJs and enjoy a movie and food for $5!

*Reading Night Basket: Mickey and Friends!: PLEASE sne din $5 or a related product for our Reading Theme Basket! Thank you to those who have donated so far, and those that have purchased items. We now have $20!

Week if 3-13-2017


Greetings room 111! I hope this message finds you all well, warm and with power!

Happy March is Reading Month! Thank you to our students from 111 who dressed up on Friday to show their favorite characters! Be sure to check your March Activity calendar to help your child “dress accordingly” on the fun days we have sprinkled throughout the month and especially on Fridays!

The office is checking into rescheduling our field trip to the creative arts studio. I will relay the information as soon as I get it! Thank you for being flexible.

Here is what is going on in class this week. Have a wonderful week, I will be sure to update the iblog as needed with classroom news!

Word Family: –ip family (dip, hip, lip, nip, rip, tip, flip, grip, ship, slip, skip, snip, trip)

*There are many words in this family, I will only use six but want to show/teach all the “blends” the hot words will be: dip, lip, rip, flip, trip, ship

LA: “Jamie O’Rourke and the Big Potato” Narrative/Focus: Predicting, Retelling, Stating Opinions

Poem: “If I Were A Leprechaun”

Math: Shapes 2D and 3D continue…assessing this week and a culminating project!

Science: Force and Motion continue…

Monday: Gym with Mrs. Fenner. Please return homework packets, new ones will be sent home today

Tuesday: Music with Mrs. Wilder and Art with Mrs. Brown

Wednesday: Computers with Mrs. Pantaleo

Thursday: Fiend Trip to the Ceramic Art place! Music with Mrs. Wilder in the PM

Friday: Gym with Mrs. Fenner

*Important Dates:

March 15th: Late Start 9:00am at our playground door

-March 26th: Parent Teacher Conferences (Only if your child receives a conference slip from the teacher)

March 30th: Annual Reading Night: 5:00pm-7:00pm

Rockin’ Movie Night March 21st: Rock your PJs and enjoy a movie and food for $5! Date is TBD…

*Supplies: Dear parents, we are in desperate need of dry erase markers, baby wipes, play dough and sharpened pencils! If you are able to donate any of these items we would greatly appreciate it!

Week of 3-6-2017

Greetings room 111!

Happy March is Reading Month! Our theme this year is “Reading Rocks”! Last week we kicked off reading month with a Rockin’ Read Aloud/PJ Night in the gym! Thank you to our students from 111 that came we had so much fun 🙂 If you weren’t able to come don’t worry, we have more in store for you to participate in soon! I am currently teaming up with the fundraising committee to plan a “Rockin’ Movie Night” in the next few weeks! I’ll keep you posted as this develops and send home a flyer as soon as the fundraising committee finishes it! We were even lucky enough to have a “Mystery Reader” come and read to our class last Friday! If you’d like to be a Mystery Reader just return the form you receive this Monday in your child’s homework folder and we’ll get you scheduled to come in 🙂 Just remember you are a surprise mystery reader so shhhhhhhh don’t tell your child when you’re coming! Just go to the office and sign in on the day we schedule you and knock on our door. Your child will be thrilled it’s their parent! It’s going to be a great month in school, thank you in advance for all your participation and help to make it amazing!

*Be sure to check your March Activity calendar to help your child “dress accordingly” on the fun days we have sprinkled throughout the month and especially on Fridays!

PS. Friday you received a permission slip for a field trip we got extra money for last week from the office YAY! SO, we need to make sure we send in the forms ASAP! I am SO SORRY that we don’t have the funds to take chaperones on this trip 🙁 But promise we’ll take many on the next one please forgive me! We are planning to have a “picnic” lunch in the hallway and read with our friends for reading month when we get back on Thursday, so please send a packed lunch to school on Thursday because we will miss our lunch time! Anyone that wants to meet us on Thursday after the field trip to be a mystery reader we’d LOVE to have you back at the school!!!

Here is what is going on in class this week. Have a wonderful week, I will be sure to update the iblog as needed with classroom news!

Word Family: –en family (hen, den, pen, wren, ten, men)

LA: Informational with focus on: What is important in the text, inferencing, key details in text

Poem: “Five Hungary Dinosaurs”

Math: Shapes 2D and 3D continue…

Science: Force and Motion continue…

Monday: Gym with Mrs. Fenner. Please return homework packets, new ones will be sent home today

Tuesday: Music with Mrs. Wilder and Art with Mrs. Brown

Wednesday: Computers with Mrs. Pantaleo

Thursday: Fiend Trip to the Ceramic Art place! Music with Mrs. Wilder in the PM

Friday: Gym with Mrs. Fenner

*Important Dates:

March 15th: Late Start 9:00am at our playground door

March 30th: Annual Reading Night: 5:00pm-7:00pm

Rockin’ Movie Night: Rock your PJs and enjoy a movie and food for $5! Date is TBD…


*Supplies: Dear parents, we are in desperate need of dry erase markers, baby wipes, play dough and sharpened pencils! If you are able to donate any of these items we would greatly appreciate it!