This post is to remind you all that tomorrow morning from 9:00am-11:00am is our Field Day yay!!!!!! Please remember to send your child to school with a backpack and lunch plans as if it was a normal day. If they are buying lunch we will be back in time as usual! Here are a few reminders to help make the morning easier:
- apply sunscreen at home to make sure it blends in and your child is protected!
- dress appropriately for outdoor activities/weather/tennis shoes (any child in sandals has been told they are not going to be able to participate for safety reasons)
- Chaparones walking with us to the park please be here to sign in by 9:00am. ALL chaparones must have a background check. The teacher has notified you if there was an issue, so if you have not heard anything than you are all set!
- Wear your blue DuVall shirt if you purchased one, however if you did not no worries just wear something with blue on it!
We are looking forward to a great field day!
Mrs. Ross and Class 🙂
*For those that are driving next week to the park and pool please make sure that you have come into the office to show your driver license and insurance. In addition, you must have a car seat for every child you drive so if parents are willing to let us borrow some for the day we would appreciate it! I have one in my car that can be used as well!