Week of 10-1-2018

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Dear Families,

I hope this message finds you enjoying this lovely day! Here is what you need to know for this week in kindergarten. If there are any changes to be made or additional information added, I’ll add them as the week progresses. Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Ross 🙂

Important Reminders:

*Homework packet #2 is due tomorrow on Monday (the roll and cover game is yours to keep though) and your child will be bringing home packet #3 in their homework folder! Our class is doing such an amazing job with completing and turning back in these packets 🙂 I have had such positive feedback from the students about feeling confident with the assignments and that the games have been really fun 🙂 Way to go boys and girls! I am so proud of you!!! Thank you again to Johnny’s mom for stapling and organizing our math homework each week. You’re such a tremendous help!

*Permission Slips and money for the Apple Orchard field trip are due tomorrow, October 1st! If you still need to turn in the permission slip or still need to send in the $10 please do so tomorrow. All money must be sent to the office to pay for the trip. We will be putting in the parents name in to a bowl this week. I will post the 6 chaperones pulled from the bowl on the blog as well as send home a paper letter. If you receive this chaperone letter, please send in your $10.00 the next school day in an envelope with your name on it marked Apple Orchard Chaperone $  Thank you ALL once again for volunteering your time to help us make this a special day.

*Conferences are quickly approaching! Please make sure you have signed up for one spot on one of the days provided. I will assign any family who has not yet signed up to make sure we meet 🙂

*Popcorn fundraiser sales are almost every Friday so bring those quarters (no limit per child) first thing at 8:35 am. This Friday kdg will be back at school and will resume participating in popcorn sales

*Library check out: Your child will visit the library again on Tuesday morning and bring home a new book. Please make sure that your child’s book is in their backpack Monday night ready to be returned this next morning. Any lost or damaged books front he DuVall library will need to be replace by the individual child’s family. Thank you for helping your child become a responsible penguin!

*Reading Packs: Last week I began sending home “reading packs”. We will discuss these reading packs at the kdg meeting on Tuesday morning. At first, your child will just have language arts letters and/or sight words in them. We will get to the books in the future. Thank you for sending them back every day and spending about 10-15 minutes a night on the letters/words you find in there. This will help your child SO much reviewing their personal bags each night!

*Tuesdays Parent Meeting: Tuesday morning at 8:45am the kindergarten teachers, the kdg ECS and Mr. Attee will be holding an informational meeting about Language Arts in the library. If you are able to come please sign in at the office and receive a visitors pass before coming down to the library. I look forward to seeing you there, however do not stress about sending both parents! One is great if you’re able to make it. 🙂

Letter(s) of the week: A,D,O,I

Review letters: S,M,R,T,N,B,a

Words of the Week: come, and

Review words: I, can, see, the, to, like, look, at

*RK.K.2c Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words

*Initial sounds: RK.K.2d Be able to identify the first sound heard when a word in spoken

*separate words into sentences RF.K.2b How many words do I hear when a sentence (of up to approximately 5-9 words) is orally presented

*hearing rhymes RF.K.2a

*This week in daily 5 we will be launching “Listen to Reading”. Students will use the ipad to listen to books electronically on the ipad.

Kindergarten Meeting Tuesday October 2nd 2018

Kindergarten families on room 106,

Next Tuesday on October 2nd the kindergarten teachers and principal will be holding a language arts meeting (about new book bags comings home, the Language and Literacy Instructional program for selected students, and the read by third grade law. The meeting will be held in the library at 8:45 am. Only one parent is needed to come for the meeting and please sign into at the office to get a visitors pass before coming down to the library. Thank you for you support and I will see you then!

-Mrs. Ross 🙂

Week of 9-24-2018

Image result for fall pictures

Dear Families,

I hope this message finds you well and enjoying this beautiful weather! Here are some important things to know for this week. If there are there any more changes to the week or important announcements, I will write them as the week progresses. Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Ross 🙂

Important Reminders:

*KDG only has NO SCHOOL this Friday the 28th (kdg teachers have a district meeting) All other students will be in school that day

*Permission Slips and money for the Apple Orchard field trip are due by October 1st! If you need another slip or need to send in the $10 please do so this week 🙂 Chaperones will be picked when all slips are returned!

*Conferences are quickly approaching! Please make sure you have signed up for one spot on one of the days provided. I will assign any family who has not yet signed up to make sure we meet 🙂

*Popcorn fundraiser sales are almost every Friday so bring those quarters (no limit per child) first thing at 8:35 am. This Friday kdg will not be at school so next week we will resume participating in popcorn sales

*Library check out: This week we will begin library check out! Your child will visit the library on Tuesday morning and bring home one book per week. Please make sure that your child’s book is in their backpack Monday nights ready to be returned this next morning. Any lost or damaged books front he DuVall library will need to be replace by the individual child’s family. Thank you for helping your child become a responsible penguin!

*Homework packets are due Mondays. I will look for them once a week to help me save time and be organized about collecting completed assignments. If your child is finished early, kindly hold on to them until Mondays or due date if the schedule is changed for a snow day or holiday (maybe in a homework tray or refrigerator) until they are due. I recommend one page a day. However, if your child is finished early it is important for their foundational skills to do some math every day. Please play the math games I give your child each week (you are creating a binder with) so that your child keeps thinking about math and practicing their counting and cardinality/number recognition skills throughout the week.

Tomorrow your child will be bringing home packet 2 I Thank you again to Johnny’s mom for stapling and organizing our math homework each week. You’re such a tremendous help!

Letter(s) of the week: a

Review letters: S,M,R,T,N,B

Words of the Week: look, at

Review words: I, can, see, the, to, like

*short a sound: RK.K.2c Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words

*Initial sounds: RK.K.2d Be able to identify the first sound heard when a word in spoken

*separate words into sentences RF.K.2b How many words do I hear when a sentence (of up to approximately 5-9 words) is orally presented

*hearing rhymes RF.K.2a

Tomorrow is a late start!


*This post is from Mr. Attee’s blog. See you all tomorrow at 9:35 am!

DuVall Families,

This is just a reminder that there will be a late start day on Wednesday, September 19th.  School will start one hour later (dismissal is still at 3:35 PM).  The students will still line up on the playground and the first bell will ring tomorrow at 9:35 AM.

-Mr. Attee

Homework Supplies


Tonight I have sent home a zip lock baggie of homework supplies. These supplies were donated by a family in the district and are yours to keep! The supplies you have donated to the classroom along with your child’s personal pencil box will remain there for us to use. This baggie is to help you make sure that your child has the proper supplies at home to do work. Thank you again for all your support with our new homework program.

Mrs. Ross and Class 🙂

Week of 9-17-2018

Image result for fall

Happy Monday Kindergarten Families!

I hope this message finds you all well. It was so nice to see so many of your families at open house. Thank you all for coming and taking a peek at what our room looks like after 13 days of hard work! After a lovely weekend FULL of soccer in Petosky, here is what we have in store for us this week in kindergarten:

Reading/Daily 5: Letters T. N          Sight Words: like, to        rhyming     Daily 5: Continue practicing stamina for Read to Self

Writing: Narrative Writing Cont.

Math: Continue Module 1 counting, classifying, sorting

*Math homework is coming home tonight for the first time this year! Your packet is due one week from the date given (unless adjustments have been made for holidays or days absent for illness, or snow days). Please make sure your child has somewhere quiet to work with an adult on these review pages. The “game” of the week is always yours to keep (in a sheet protector in a math binder at home) and will remain at home! All skills are review skills that have been worked on in school and parent sheets were given to help explain journal pages. However please feel free to email let me if you have any questions about how to complete or organize math homework. Have fun and thank you in advance for your help with math homework.

Social Studies: Continue Unit 4: Getting Along With Others

Science: Push and Pull

Important Dates: Apple Orchard field trip October 18th! If you have not sent in your child’s permission slip/money ($10) for the field trip please do so this week. If you’d like to be in the lottery for chaperones, make sure you pop in the office to fill out an ichat background check!


Have a wonderful week. If there are any adjustments or updates to our week I will send them out as soon as possible.


Mrs. Ross 🙂


Message From Mr. Attee…


DuVall Community,

Earlier this morning police cars and EMS were in the neighborhood near our school.  During this time, students were learning safely at school. The police and EMS were responding to an situation that was not related to school operations and appears to be a medical emergency.

Week of 9-4-2018

Image result for school

Dear Families,

Wow! We made it! The first week of school just FLEW by for us and we had a BLAST 🙂 We hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I traveled all the way to and from Ohio to visit family I have not seen in a while. Benjamin and Antonia had a great time playing with their cousins. We are so tired lol! I want to welcome you again to room 106. I am so happy with my new penguins and know it is going to be a fantastic year. I thank you for making all the necessary arrangements to make sure your child came in last week for their quick kdg readiness appointments during your busy work weeks. I would also like to send a HUGE thank you to Sebastian and his family for donating TWO huge fans for our hot classroom. We appreciate you so much and will take such great care of these beautiful fans.

Thank you also for being so prompt returning the emergency cards, lunch forms and anything else included in your beginning of the year packet from Ms. Cathy and Ms. Ann in the office. If you would like to volunteer in the building at all this year or come along on a field trip, please make sure you have completed an ichat form in the office. These are good for several years!

Here is what you need to know for this week:

Language Arts: Letter Focus: S.M, Sight words: the, I, Recognizing Rhyming words, Listening and comprehending stories: asking and answering questions about the text, Launching Daily 5 and Read to Self, writing personal narratives through pictures

Math: Launching Eureka Math Unit 1 Number 0-10.

Social Studies: Begin Unit 1: Getting Along With Others

Homework: This week I am asking you to send in a picture of your family for our Daily 5 program to decorate the classroom and make it feel like home for our children! This week we will take the picture that come in and make picture frames for them on Friday!

*Important Dates: 

-Thursday, September 13th, 2018 Open House 6:00pm


Have a wonderful week and if there is anything I am missing in this post, I will be sure to send updates throughout the week.


Mrs. Ross 🙂


*If you have not yet signup for our classroom iblog here is the address for you to sign up. Please make sure that you confirm your subscription! Next week, I will not be sending home a paper copy of the newsletter in order to help DuVall save resources for instruction.

Mrs. Ross’s iblog can be found here:     dearbornschools.org/ross/