Happy Monday Kindergarten Families!
I hope this message finds you all well. It was so nice to see so many of your families at open house. Thank you all for coming and taking a peek at what our room looks like after 13 days of hard work! After a lovely weekend FULL of soccer in Petosky, here is what we have in store for us this week in kindergarten:
Reading/Daily 5: Letters T. N Sight Words: like, to rhyming Daily 5: Continue practicing stamina for Read to Self
Writing: Narrative Writing Cont.
Math: Continue Module 1 counting, classifying, sorting
*Math homework is coming home tonight for the first time this year! Your packet is due one week from the date given (unless adjustments have been made for holidays or days absent for illness, or snow days). Please make sure your child has somewhere quiet to work with an adult on these review pages. The “game” of the week is always yours to keep (in a sheet protector in a math binder at home) and will remain at home! All skills are review skills that have been worked on in school and parent sheets were given to help explain journal pages. However please feel free to email let me if you have any questions about how to complete or organize math homework. Have fun and thank you in advance for your help with math homework.
Social Studies: Continue Unit 4: Getting Along With Others
Science: Push and Pull
Important Dates: Apple Orchard field trip October 18th! If you have not sent in your child’s permission slip/money ($10) for the field trip please do so this week. If you’d like to be in the lottery for chaperones, make sure you pop in the office to fill out an ichat background check!
Have a wonderful week. If there are any adjustments or updates to our week I will send them out as soon as possible.
Mrs. Ross 🙂