Field Trip Update: Chaperones on Bus

Hello wonderful families of room 106!

As we kick off another exciting week in school, here is everything you need to know! I recorded Benny pulling the names of the chaperones on Friday, but alas I am having some technical difficulties getting the video uploaded ahh!!!!! I will upload it as soon as my husband helps me figure it out lol! Here are the results though! Remember if your name was not pulled to ride the bus, you can STILL JOIN US by following in your car and you will be admitted FREE as well!!! Please fill out the note that I send you home Monday night and promptly return it Tuesday morning. THANK YOU in advance for you support and offering your personal time to help our little ones! You are SO VERY appreciated!

Chaperones on Bus:

Mrs. Heaton, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Elabed, Mrs. Freitag, Mrs, Miller, Mrs. Leusca

In class this week:

*Monday: First Graders will be taking their first Unit 1 math test! When it is sent home please sign and return it.

-Kinders will continue Unit 2

*IN Reading this week, we will compare the two books “Goodnight Moon” and “Goodnight Moon”

Poem: 5 Little Pumpkins

*First Grade Spelling words: -th  (than, thing, they, there, thank, that, them, this, was, said)

*As we end the Unit on 5 senses and begin Push and Pulls, I will begin individual assessments of the Unit

I will update as soon as I hear of anything I have forgotten! Thank you and have a wonderful work together.


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