Dear Families,
I hope this message finds you all well and enjoying this lovely weekend! Here is what’s cooking this week in kindergarten. If there are any additions or modifications to the post I will make them as soon as possible. We are looking forward to our Muffins for Moms celebration on Friday morning at 9:00 am! If you have not RSVP’d yet we will send you another invite this week to make sure your child has someone very special to celebrate with! Thank you in advance for helping us make this a special and memorable event for our lovely moms!
Important Dates this week:
*Don’t Forget to follow the ABC countdown sheet for this week!
Tuesday, May 7th- Science Challenge Night 5:00pm-6:00 pm (All families welcome to join in the fun if you are available!)
Wednesday, May 8th- LAST PTA MEETING AT 7 pm
May 10th: Muffins for Moms! (Moms, please join us for some muffins and surprises at 9:00am!)
Homework:Â As we near the end of module 4, we will send home packets until there are no more left in module 4. However, your child will receive a new math game every week to help with subtraction and addition fluency!
Popcorn: Popcorn might be on this week so lets plan on it unless I send out an update 🙂Â
Library check out: This week we will have check out so make sure books are back in the bags Monday night and ready to go Tuesday morning first thing!
Reading Packs: Make sure your child is spending about 10-15 minutes reading at night on Raz-Kids and the books, letters/words you find in the reading packs. This will help your child SO much reviewing their personal bags each night!
LA Book: Cont. Informational books about plants and animals
Writing: Cont. Writing about Mothers shh! It’s a secret and we really can’t say 🙂
Social Studies: Unit 1: Who am I? regions of the classroom and reflecting on something they like about their classroom. In addition, we have been brainstorming about “kindness” and ways to help us with tattling, kind words and stamina. As the days get hotter and the end of the year approaches this can be a hard time for students to remain focused. It is so important for our little ones to remember this. Here are some of the wonderful reminders your little ones thought of on Friday during our lesson and these are great talking points to review at home too 🙂
*Use kind words
*listen when a friend or the teacher is speaking
*Hands are for helping
*Clean up after myself
*work the whole time
*Include others if they want to be my partner or play with me outside
*Stay in one spot (working the whole time)
*Talk about work talk during work time
New Science Unit: Earth and Space Science: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Animals, Plants and their Environments (Cont. Animal Mysteries!)
*Guiding Essential Question/Content: 1. Where do animals live and why do they live there? 2. Plants and animals can change their environment 3. natural resources, human impacts on earth systems