Week of 10-24-2016

Woops! Let me try this again. My post never went up yesterday I apologize it was stuck in the “draft world!”

Greetings Room 111 familes,

I hope you are all out enjoying this beautiful weekend! I dressed up my baby in a light snow suit for Ben’s soccer game and then felt really silly when we were sweating lol! Always smart to layer though 🙂 Speaking of layering the weather this week is going to be colder than usual! Please make sure to send your children in winder coats from now on (like Antonia, we can always remove hot layers!).

Letter of the week: Nn (review) and H h

Words of the week: you and see (review) past words we have worked on so far (to, the, he, we, go, a, I, you, see, in, on)

MOnday: GYM. Your child is taking home their new homework packet. This is the last week of October! Next week, your child will be getting the new November calendar. Way to go all student that have been completeing and returning them! You have been working SO hard and will be rewarded at the end of the year!

Tuesday: Art and Music

Wednesday: Computers

Thursday: Music

Friday: Gym


Important Information:

*We need your help!!! We would love to decorate and explore pumpkins this week and on Halloween! If any parent would like to donate small pumpkins for our kids to have individually we would REALLY appreciate it! IF you can’t, we’d appreciate any help towards our party for supplies and food. See below!

*Elementary Conferences are coming up quickly! PLEASE come to see Mrs. Ross this week anytime after school to sign up for conferences. If I don ‘t hear from you I’ll assign you a date and send the reminders in the mail the week prior to your conference. You must attend this first conference. However, I am ALWAYS available to conference with parents and welcome it every day as long as it’s after school 🙂 The November conference dates will be…

November 10th

November 16th

November 17th



YES we will be celebrating Halloween this year in school!!! Mr. Farhat our principal is letting all students k-5 dress up woohoo! However, all day is tough for our kids to be in the costumes and some are too cold for outside at lunch! So, please send your child’s costume to school in a big bag with their name on it so they can change after lunch! Our kids also have gym after lunch at 11:30, so you can imagine how hard it will be for little princesses to exercise in their gowns lol! I am also welcoming all families to come on in at 12: 15 to help us get changed and celebrate! We are hoping to take the kids outside around 2:00 pm for a parade on the track for all families to see!!!

In our classroom we would really appreciate any donations for food and decor. Here is a small list of things we could use some help with for Monday. Please hit reply and I will take the first parents who reply online! Thank you in advance for your help and generosity it should be so much fun!!!

23 juice boxes

23 apples

23 donuts

a spool of plastic ribbon to wrap donuts

long rods or broomsticks to hang the donuts for a game! Promise you can take them back home unless you don’t want to sweep anymore lol!

face painting packages (3)

6 black,orange or Halloween themed table cloths

4 or 5 $5 pizzas (a couple parents could go together on this)


hair dryers: we need as many hair dryers as we can get!!! I want us to melt crayons and glitter on top of a pumpkin for each kid and it takes a while so the more we have the better lol!

Hot glue guns and glue



*Students may also bring in individually wrapped goodies for each child. There are 23 students in the class 🙂 Thank you for your help and generosity!


9 thoughts on “Week of 10-24-2016

  1. Hello,
    Ruqaiah will be Bringing the spool of plastic ribbon and a bag or pretzels!

    Sounds lots of fun I WISH I can be there 🙁

    For the conference (if possible ) could you please sign me up for the 16th at 3:30?

    Thank you.

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