Greetings room 111 Families!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed your half day on Friday 🙂 Here is what you need to know for this week in kindergarten!
Letter of the Week: ‘N n’
Word of the week: Last week we focused on “see” more than “he” so I am bumping “he” to this week!
Poem(s) of the Week: “Jack-be-Nimble”
LA Focus: Transportation and Non Fiction Books/Elements
Writing Focus: All about me and transportation in my neighborhood (detailed pictures and labeling pics)
Math: Unit 2 Numbers 1-10 (Note for Unit 2 is going home Monday to give an overview of the new unit) Unit 1 post tests will be sent home so you can see how well your child did on an individual snapshot of unit 1.
Social Studies: Unit 1 Getting Along with Others (continue)
Science: Becoming a Scientist and Five Senses
*We were lucky to have a visiting pre-student teacher come to our room last week to teach a lesson about the sense of “smell”. THANK YOU to Mujtaba’s mom and her partner from the University of Michigan for teaching us with such a fun and hands on experiment!
Important News:
*This Wednesday is our library check out day so please make sure that your darling has their library book in their backpack Tuesday night ready to go! Thank you for your help!
*Weather is getting colder! Please make sure to send your child to school in clothing that can be layered and taken off if hot instead of shivering outside! A good idea would be to write their names in the tags inside so we can figure out who it belongs to if lost! I have a blue Jean Jacket in the classroom that nobody claimed but I think it belongs to one of our students. If your child is missing a Jean coat please see me 🙂
*Gym is on Monday and Friday so make sure to dress in the appropriate clothing and shoes these days!
If there is anything else I’ll let you know this week. Have a wonderful week 🙂
Mrs. Ross 🙂
Hi Mrs Ross what are the passwords for the websites and usernames
Hi there! I’ll write them down and send it with lana and update which ones the building has renewed this year! Thank you so much for logging on and setting her up with these she is SO excited!!!