Greetings families of room 111! This is a reminder that…
TOMORROW IS A HALF DAY of school with an 11:10 am dismissal at Mrs. Ross’s door. We will NOT be having lunch in the cafeteria tomorrow so don’t worry about sending in anything. Kids will leave and eat with you at home 🙂
Tomorrow homework for week #2 is due and also our letter ‘Bb” phonics page! Our students are doing a FANTASTIC JOB learning their letters I am beaming with pride!!!!!! Way to go team 111! If your child is in a “reading group” I will be asking them tomorrow if they can read the sight words: the, to, and and he. (I may ask see) please make sure to read AND write these words at home. If your child is still learning letters, I have been asking them to identify the letter Bb this week. keep up the amazing work woot woot!!!
See you soon…
Mrs. Ross and Class!