Greetings room 111! I hope this message finds you all well and enjoying this beautiful spring weather!
This month it is April and I can’t believe the year is FLYING BY SO FAST!!! As our year is winding down, we are NOT losing momentum. So, please continue to READ with your kiddos every night to prepare them for the upcoming NWEA testing the first week of May and our final year end assessments! You can read from reading packs nightly, but also from the RazKids website! Thank you in advance for all your help this spring to stay focused as the weeks get hotter and the kids get more and more ready for summer break!
Here is what is going on in class this week. Have a wonderful week, I will be sure to update the iblog as needed with classroom news!
Word Family: –ed family (led, sled, wed, bed, red, fed)
LA: “Seeds” continue and “Frog” Non Fiction Focus
Poem: “Green and Speckled Frog”
Math: Unit 12: Subtraction sentences using the appropriate signs and vocabulary (difference, left, minus, subtract)
Science: Earth Materials and Needs of Living Things (such as plants)
Monday: Gym with Mrs. Fenner. Please return homework packets, new ones will be sent home today
Tuesday: Music with Mrs. Wilder and Art with Mrs. Brown
Wednesday: Computers with Mrs. Pantaleo (This week is library check out! Please remember to send in your books!)
Thursday: Music with Mrs. Wilder in the PM
Friday: Gym with Mrs. Fenner