“Day at the Zoo” Field Trip

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Dear Families,

Thank you to all families that have turned in the permission slips and photo permission slip back to me! We have pulled the names for the chaperones coming with us on the bus. I want to THANK all of you so much for volunteering your time to join us on the 22nd. I wish we could take you all with us on the bus and in the education building. If you would still like to meet us there we’d love to send you a text message when we are about to finish in the education building and meet you out front of it. You can then join your child’s group to enjoy the rest of the trip. (All children will have to go to and from with the teacher on the bus.) Please let us know if you are unable to make it to the trip on 2-22-2019 and we will be sure to contact another parent to chaperone a group.


-Morgan’s mom

-Reece’s mom

-Cohen’s dad

-Addison’s dad

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