Week of 10-8-2018

Dear Families,

I hope this message finds you all dry and warm and enjoying your weekend with your families! Here is what you need to know for this week in kindergarten. If there are any changes to be made or additional information added, I’ll add them as the week progresses. Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Ross 🙂

*Important Reminders:

*This Friday 10-12-2018 There is a half day of school for all elementary students. Half day means no lunch at school, but students are welcome to bring a snack for the morning!

*Homework packet #3 is due tomorrow on Monday (the roll and write number to 5 game is yours to keep though) and your child will be bringing home packet #4 in their homework folder!  Thank you again to Johnny’s mom for stapling and organizing our math homework each week. You’re such a tremendous help!

*Apple Orchard Chaperones: If you received a chaperone letter on Thursday, please send in your $10.00 in school as soon as tomorrow in an envelope with your name on it marked Apple Orchard Chaperone $  Thank you ALL once again for volunteering your time to help us make this a special day.

*Conferences are quickly approaching! Please make sure you have signed up for one spot on one of the days provided. I will assign any family who has not yet signed up to make sure we meet 🙂

*Popcorn fundraiser sales are almost every Friday so bring those quarters (no limit per child) first thing at 8:35 am. This Friday will be a half day of school so there will NOT be any popcorn sales!

*Library check out: Your child will visit the library again on Tuesday morning and bring home a new book. Please make sure that your child’s book is in their backpack Monday night ready to be returned this next morning. Any lost or damaged books front he DuVall library will need to be replace by the individual child’s family. Thank you for helping your child become a responsible penguin!

*Reading Packs:Thank you for sending them back every day and spending about 10-15 minutes a night on the letters/words you find in there. This will help your child SO much reviewing their personal bags each night!

Letter(s) of the week: C,G

Review letters: S,M,R,T,N,B,a, A, D, O, I

Words of the Week: a, we

Review words: I, can, see, the, to, like, look, at, come, and

*Counting syllables in a word

*Which two words rhyme?

*Last week in daily 5 we began launching “Listen to Reading”. Students used the ipad to listen to books electronically on the ipad from the website Raz-Kids! I was so proud to log on and find students are also reading at home. Way to go my amazing students keep up the great work!

*This week in math I will be administering the mid module assessment for unit 1 to check for understanding of all concepts so far: number writing, counting objects in a group/line/scatter/circle (any way it is moved), sorting into groups/classifying and subitizing. Each child will be assessed one at a time and this type of formative assessment helps me to guide personal instruction for each child. I am excited to see how well the students are progressing in math and have already seen much growth in your children. I will have the data for your child available to show you at conferences 🙂



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