Week of 5-29-2018

Image result for memorial day 2018

Dear Families,

Happy Memorial Day! I hope this message finds you all well rested and cool! I have spent the last three days in the hot sun watching Benjamin and his team play in the Canton Cup soccer tournament! Whew, it’s so hot! For those of you fasting I wish you a peaceful Eid Mubarek! Here are some announcements and reminders heading in to this week and the end of the year reminders again. have a wonderful week and I’ll add and change these posts as needed. THANK YOU to all of your families for volunteering to help accompany us on the field trips and drive us to the park and pool day at Dunworth pool! You are so amazing and we are so blessed.

Announcements: Special announcement from Mr. Attee…

Book Bingo for Zoe…
There will be a special book bingo event on June 8th to benefit the family of Zoe, a former DuVall student.  Pizza will be served at 6:00 PM and the bingo games will begin at 6:30 PM.  There will also be a 50/50, tin can raffle, and deserts for sale.  The cost is $10 per family.  Thank you in advance for your support!

*Field Trip Reminders: Have you sent these in yet? 

1.Yogurtopia: Please sign permission slip and send in $4 for your child! Parents welcome if they have an ichat. If they want to eat yogurt please send in an additional $4 in advance! Thank you!

2.Field Day: Please just sign the permission slip and let us know if you can help walk us to the summer stevens park! In addition please indicate if you can “run” a station! Parent chaperones must have the current ichat on file!

3.Park and Pool: Please sign Permission slip, $6 for students and $2 for adults! PLEASE let us know if you can drive students and how many! If the number is your children please indicate so I don’t end up arranging other children to go with you!

4. Ice Cream Social Raffle basket: We are making a “Super Mario” themed Nintendo Switch basket for the kindergarten/first grade basket. We are asking for donations for this basket (from $1-$5 per student) to help us purchase amazing products! Please make sure that this donation is CLEARLY marked in an envelope or zip lock baggie with your child’s name on it and ICE CREAM SOCIAL donation money (so that we don’t mistake it for the Yogurtopia field trip’s ice cream money!) THANK YOU in advance for helping to donate for this basket while sending in money for so many other things!

You’re Cordially Invited:

Reading Licence Ceremony: Please join us this Friday, June 1st to watch and congratulate your child as they earn their “Reading Licence” from Mrs. Ross! Your child may dress their best and we encourage any parent, grandparent, aunts, uncles you would like to invite may attend 🙂 I believe I said 2:30 pm on the first invite, so we look forward to seeing you there! It will be a brief ceremony and then we will enjoy light refreshments and socialize until it’s time to go home!

*Reading License Wallets: In years past, I have mentioned to parents that as a “reward” for earning their license it is a cute idea            to buy a surprise wallet/bring in your child’s special “wallet” to put their reading license in!

*I also wanted to send a HUGE thank you to all of you for helping to make our field day so wonderful! THANK YOU for volunteering to drive our children and bring all the wonderful supplies to make our park portion so fun! The kids are so excited and I am SO thrilled to experience this Penguin tradition!


We thank you all and  hope you have a beautiful week! If you have any questions or concerns PLEASE do not hesitate to ask!

Mrs. Ross and Class 🙂

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