DuVall Families,
As you enjoy the wonderful winter weather our city is experiencing, please be aware of students walking to/ from school during arrival/dismissal. Please follow the speed limit near the school. During arrival/dismissal, please do not park in the bus lane on Beech Street as well as in the no parking zone by the corner of Beech and Military as it creates a bottleneck for traffic and an additional hazard for students walking across the street. Avoid picking up/ dropping off students in the middle of the street is not safe. When parking, please do not block the driveways of nearby homes or alleyways as it obstructs families from being able to leave their property. Additionally, several vehicles are parking in the staff parking lot blocking cars and backing up – this puts students at risk if you do not see them as you are backing up. Thank you for your support in helping all of our children arrive to and leave school safely!
DuVall Principal and Office