Friday! Popcorn Sales!

Image result for popcorn sales


Dear kdg/1st grade families,

Attention Mrs. Ross’s Class WooHoo!!!!!!!! This Friday the 8th will be our first one! Please respond or see Mrs. Ross is you would like to help us pop and deliver the popcorn. We need a small group of parents. I thank you in advance for your help.


Mrs. Ross and Class!

6 thoughts on “Friday! Popcorn Sales!

    • THANK YOU so much!!!!! 🙂 I think we’re all set everybody 🙂 Are we still on Friday for the donut sales? I was thinking it would be perfect so that our popcorn sales don’t interfere with another teachers sales 🙂 You are all so amazing thank you!

    • Thank you very much for volunteering! We’d love for you to help with the next round! I apologize for the late response I have been home with the flu 🙁 I’ll let you know the next date when I return 🙂

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