Week of 12/19-2016

Greetings room 111 families!

This week is going to be a review week for class. We will review all letters/sounds and words we know so far! Instead of sending home a packet this week please work on all letters/sounds and green cards your child has. In addition, please continue reading from your child’s reading packs every night đŸ™‚ Over the break I will send home a packet for your child to work on. We will be also decorating and eating snowman cookies on Friday in school. I have all the supplies for the cookies so don’t worry about sending anything in đŸ™‚

Tomorrow is our reward for PBIS though, so please send your child to school in their pajamas for the reward day! They will be enjoying a movie! If you’d like to send them to school with ONE “junky snack” go ahead! (Like cookies, a chocolate bar, cupcake, brownie etc. but limit to one please!)

The last announcement is that Thursday morning at 9:15am is our Winter Singing Concert! I do not think the music department has a note to send home so I am trying to reach you all here to invite you! Don’t be late we’re in the first group to sing!!! See you there đŸ™‚


Mrs. Ross and Class!


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