Week of 12-11-2016

Image result for snow day pics

Dear Room 111 Families,

Hip hip hooray it’s a SNOW DAY!!! I hope you are all able to stay warm and cozy, sleep in, relax and enjoy a lazy day today! Here is what we have in store for this week in kinderland…

Letter of the week: Q q

Word of the week: want (we will learn about needs/wants in social studies this week!)

Monday: SNOW DAY! We will relax at home and read our books in our reading packs, practice sight words and count all the snowflakes that fall outside! Oh, and eat homemade cookies and shovel!

Tuesday: Music with Mrs. Wilder and Art with Mrs. Brown

Wednesday: Technology with Mrs. Pantaleo (Boot-camp at 3:15pm in room 111!)

Thursday: Music with Mrs. Wilder

Friday: Gym with Mrs. Fenner


Important Dates:

Wednesday December 14th at 3:15pm-4:15pm our first KDG boot-camp to make and take games for skill practice!

December 21st, Late Start (9:00am at door 10)

December 23rd: Students will have a winter celebration in room 111! Details and sign ups to come as the date gets closer!

Winter Holiday Break: begins Saturday December 24th and ends Sunday January 8th (school resumes Monday, January 9th, 2017!)


Have a wonderful week! Stay tuned for any updates and modifications to school happenings!


Mrs. Ross 🙂

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