Greetings Aviator Families of room 111!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Mr. Ross and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary! Time sure flies 🙂 We also had a wonderful block party and got to know many new neighbors on our street. To finish the weekend, we went to Wiard’s Orchard in Ypsilanti with our family and watch our son play soccer. It was such a beautiful weekend. I hope this message finds you all well. Here is what is cooking this week in room 111:

Letter of the week: B b  (please continue to study word cards, letter cards and read for pleasure nightly with your child) The new letter “Bb” homework assignment will go home this week. This is due on Friday as always.

Word of the week: he

Please be able to read and write these words if your child has started receiving flash cards from the “green list” which is list one on the individualized spelling program.

Names: Many students are making a lot of growth with their name writing! Please continue to work on writing their first and last names at home each night with one capital for the beginning of each word.

Homework: Well homework is in full swing and I couldn’t be more proud of our class. Go 111! I am busy looking over all the assignments that were turned in, but promise you’ll be getting the booklets back this week (I’ll keep the phonics letter pages). THANK YOU for being so amazing with the homework! The kids were so proud to turn them in Friday!

PBIS: This week on Friday, we will have our first “kick off” assembly for PBIS to get the children excited about working hard to stay on green, be good citizens and help each other.

Science: This week we will continue working on our science unit with the five senses. We had so much fun last week looking at apples, seeing if they sink or float, and also using them to paint apple trees!

Important News:
*Friday is a half day: half day dismissal is at 11:10am.
*Please return lunch forms on the new green form if they were returned to you
If there is anything I forgot I’ll update as the week progresses. As always, thank you for your help and support with your children. And, have I mentioned lately how much I love and adore my classroom???

Mrs. Ross 🙂

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