Greetings Aviator Families of room 111!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! The Ross family enjoyed visiting with family and friends at my brother in law’s wedding in Lansing. It was so wonderful watching our two children boogie on the dance floor together (before Antonia would make a break for an exit). I hope this message finds you all well. Here is what is cooking this week in room 111:
Letter of the week: Tt (please continue to study word cards, letter cards and read for pleasure nightly with your child) The new letter “t” homework assignment will go home this week. This is due on Friday as always.
Word of the week: him Please be able to read and write these words if your child has started receiving flash cards from the “green list” which is list one on the individualized spelling program.
Names: Many students are making a lot of growth with their name writing! Please continue to work on writing their first and last names at home each night with one capital for the beginning of each word.
Homework: We got almost ALL homework assignments last week and I am SO proud of our class! Please continue working hard on these assignments the students were beaming with pride this week over their hard work! In addition, this month our class will begin our official “homework” calendar. I will be copying then on the back of the PBIS behavior notes and you can just turn them over to find out that to do that night! Each night, your child is to complete one meaningful question pertaining to varying subjects such as math and reading. The assignments are sent home on Monday nights and to be returned and completed on Friday mornings for the teacher to check and give her juicy stars! Homework on the weekend will only consist of reading for 10 minutes a night as well as letter and sight word practice.
PBIS: This week our anti-bullying program officially begins. Although our kindergartners are still “learning” we are working harder each day to work towards a goal of more green this month! If your child has earned it they will attend reward day at the end of this month. I am so excited to see how many of our wonderful students make it! I just wanted to take a minute here to THANK YOU ALL for all the hard work you do raising such fine boys and girls. This classroom of mine is simply a JOY to work with and I look forward to working with them each day and seeing their smiling and eager faces is amazing.
Language Arts: This week we will continue building our stamina for Daily 5 and introduce a second choice called “work on writing”. I am so happy with the progress of the class so far. They are so motivated and adorable when we practice our letters and sounds and new words! we have been googling for free off of youtube and typing in: Letter ___ song have fun teaching video and also the “and” song Have Fun Teaching video. With your help, your child will enjoy practicing reading these words and letters at home! Students got their reading packs last week. Please continue using the materials in side each night and then returning them for school each day.
Media: This week is our library check out day! So please make sure your child’s library book is in their backpacks on Tuesday night. Thank you for your help!
Science: This week we will read a book about a little girl who is very inquisitive and what it means to be a scientist. We will begin our unit on being a scientist, using tools, and the five senses. This week we will explore our 5 senses with apples!
I’m sure there will be more updates throughout the week. Have a great evening and see you all bright and early Monday morning!
Mrs. Ross 🙂