Greetings room 111 families!
I hope this message finds you well and warm this weekend! How crazy is this weather! Well this is going to be a really fun week as we get ready for our trip to the Detroit Zoo! I have my updated parent list from the office (of background checks) and a few parents that might have changed their minds about going so tomorrow please fill out the note and return if you WANT to follow the bus and be a chaperone (AND you already completed your background check!) OR if you want to send in the $7 and just walk with YOUR child. Just indicate what you what for my planning purposes and we’ll be all set! Hopefully it wont be so cold!
Word Family: ag (bag, hag, gag, sag, wag, lag, nag, rag, tag)
*As you’ve noticed the books in the reading packs have slowed down lately. I have begun the end of the year testing for language arts and will continue this week with your child’s individual reading level DRA2 test. In order for your child to stay current with their reading and skills you will need to continue to read every night on RazKids. Also, the library every year begins asking for the leveled books several weeks before school closes, so please make sure your child has ALL small leveled books in their packs, because I will also begin collecting them soon! This way we can avoid any costly library fines!
*This week their will also be a scholastic book fair! So at some point we will head up there as a class and your child can return at a later time this week with parent volunteers to purchase books.
Tomorrow is exercise day on our 26 day countdown! Woohoo we’ll be doing some fun exercises in class for brain breaks! Continue to check the list each day to be ready for the fun!
Monday: Gym. Homework pack is due and another is sent home.
Tuesday: Art and music
Wednesday: Computers
Thursday: FIELD TRIP to the zoo! make sure your child is to school ON TIME because we will leave as soon as the bus gets to school! Have your child in comfortable and weather appropriate clothing with walking shoes! If it is going to be hot please put sun screen on before they get to school (if your child is not allergic to it) to help protect their skin. This has helped a lot in the past. Also, make sure your child has a BAGGED lunch they can eat and throw away to avoid lugging it around all day! Something healthy with a small snack and drink. We’ll be back to school by 2:00pm.
Friday: Gym.
Looking forward to an awesome week with my amazing class!