Today we enjoyed playing a few math games. One was on check out our helpful resources page and you can click on the link to play the birthday counting candle game! Right now counting objects and showing a 1:1 correspondence is so important so why not have fun while working. Enjoy!
Hi Mrs. Ross. Zayd said I need to put him on Raz kids but I’m not sure how.
Aww what a good boy! Ok did you get his note in the homework folder? When you go to the site my login name is on his paper it’s rossm1. Click on “kids login” and from there you should be able to pick a teacher. That’s where you put in rossm1. Then my whole class should come up and you’ll click on Zayd’s icon. There is no password for them so you will be all set! I hope this makes sense. The class and I will be going over it tomorrow so that should help at home. Please feel free to stop in after school (or grandma can) and I can show you myself. He’s going to love it. By the way thank you for all the great work you’re doing with Zayd! He’s working so hard.
Thank you very much. We are signed in now.
Ok good I’m SO glad!
Hi mrs.ross.
We have finally got Razkids to work. Zayn is super xited!! He loves it. He wanted to let you know hes signed up. But i have one question….is there a daily goal or any kind of goal?
Hi! I’m SO glad he’s up and running with it 🙂 Way to go Zayn!
Ok, I have asked the students to spend about 10-15 minutes per night reading from raz-kids and about 10-15 minutes a night working on letter and sound id (which zayn already knows, but the letter/sound connection is what is going to help him read and form words in reading and writing workshop) so it’s so important that they come like second nature to him.
He is FREE to read as long as he wants each night and the program will move him up level by level on it’s own! I will check weekly to see how they are doing and award points.
I thank you for all you do and just wanted to say how much I love having Zayn in my classroom. He is such a wonderful students and child.
Mrs. Ross