
Thank you to Mrs. Biaz again today for volunteering to work with us during math workshop and during library checkout! We practiced counting to 10 on the IXL website today. Your child would greatly benefit from practicing counting 1 to 1 objects every night from household objects or this website. Check out the resources page for the login information!

Tonight your child is bringing home their first library book. They will keep this book at home away from their personal books until the first week of November. Remember our students will be responsible for any ripped or lost books so be “responsible” aviators and enjoy reading!

Remember tomorrow is a half day! Your child can dress up in Michigan or Michigan State clothing if they love one of the football teams. Dismissal will be from our classroom door at 11:10 am.

*Weather is getting COLD! Please remember to send you child to school with a winter coat from now on. If it’s too cold your child will not be able to enjoy lunch recess (the lunch staff will keep them inside the cafeteria).

2 thoughts on “Reminders…

    • You’re very welcome it is MY pleasure! My goal this year is to update and share as much as I can to raise student achievement and increase school/home communication parent involvement in the class. I thank you for joining and look forward to a wonderful year.

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