First Day in KDG 2019!

Dear Families of room 106. I wanted to take this time to thank you so very much for the opportunity to spend this year with you and your child. We had SUCH a wonderful first day and I look forward to the rest of the week and year! I am also to grateful for all the supplies you have donated to the classroom. WOW! we are one lucky class 🙂 I also had the chance to take some adorable pictures of your babies today and would love to share them with you. I love taking pictures in the class to help give you a glimpse of your precious darling at school and the hard work they do. Enjoy!


Mrs. Ross and Class 🙂

Hard at work coloring our First Day of Kindergarten pictures and writing our names!
Exploring with Play-Doh! I love to use it during math and language arts to make learning hands on and fun 🙂
Our New Kindergarten Class!

Babysitting Butterflies!

Monday and Tuesday the preschool class was on field trips and their teachers were not in the building. So, we had the pleasure of babysitting their new little friends! We have been learning about the needs of plants and animals in our science unit so it was a perfect real life experience! We got to see first hand how living things need air, space, water, food and shelter! Here are a few pictures from our visit.

9-29-2017 Apples!

Dear parents,

This week our theme was “apples” in language arts. We read two books. The first was “Ten Red Apples” by Pat Hutchins and an informational book about apples. We chose and learned about key vocabulary words from the text such as: dribble, rotten, bud, seed, bloom. We discussed what an informational book is and what a narrative book is and how they are different. We introduced the “table of contents” and looked at the parts of an informational book and read it out of order! The students were shocked lol! Then, on Friday, we used our creativity and sense of touch and sight to explore apples that were cut into slices. With forks, we stuck them into the apples and stamped our own apple trees! It was SOOOOO much fun 🙂 Next week, we will increase the rigor of this activity by writing to the prompt, “I can see __________ red/green apples in/by the tree.” In addition, we will use bingo dabbers to dot out the amount of apples on a ten frame! Come on by and check them out! we are oh so proud of our work today! Here are some pictures we snapped of our budding artists this afternoon during the project. enjoy!

Mrs. Ross and Class 🙂