Welcome back kdg families! I hope you all enjoyed a restful extended weekend with family and friends! I spent most of my weekend in Rochester Hills at a soccer tournament and I am as red as a lobster! I am looking forward to our first full day tomorrow 🙂 Here is what you need to know this week. If there is anything else I need to add or change I will be in touch! Have a wonderful week.
Arrival/Dismissal: This week I will meet you outside on our yellow line with the purple rectangle for morning pledge and dismissal. Arrival time is 8:35AM and dismissal is 3:35PM.
*Emergency Cards/Concussion Forms: Thank you for returning the beginning of the year packets so promptly! If you have not sent them in yet please do as soon as possible this week in the blue homework folder. :- )
Lunch/Snack: Tomorrow is our first day eating in the lunchroom and making lunch choices! Please help your child make a decision and know what they are choosing before school. Thank you in advance for all your help. Remember we are a nut free classroom for snacks! We will still have snack time in the AM and PM in the classroom.
KDG Assessments: THANK YOU to all the families who made arrangements to bring your little ones back to school last week! I am almost done with assessments and have only a few that were not able to make it and a few new students to get scheduled. If you didn’t get an opportunity to come last week during soft start please see me to make arrangements for before or after school this week. I’d be happy to meet you at your convenience! It was wonderful getting to know your child all a little bit more 🙂 They are all so precious and I am so lucky to be with them this year!
Math: Homework has not begun yet! This week we began our first lessons in Unit 1 of Math which is about numbers 0-5 🙂
Spelling: This week I will introduce the first two words on our word wall the, I (your child is NOT formally assessed on these words yet!)
LA Book: Cont. working with the book “We Don’t Eat Our Classmates”
Writing: This week we will begin our first unit in Writer’s Workshop: “Writing Through Pictures.” We will focus on setting up the structure and learning the procedures and expectations of “Writer’s Workshop”
Social Studies: We will continue learning about our first unit in Social Studies! Our first unit is called “Getting Along with Others”.