Reminder…Tomorrow is the last day to donate!

Image result for stockings for troops

Dear Families,

*Tomorrow is a half day. Please remember that if you are going to donate items to the troops, tomorrow morning it is all due 🙂 Teachers will be stuffing the stockings tomorrow after school. I want to thank you in advance for all your support and for all the travel wet wipes and tissues that have been sent in so far!


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Every year, DuVall sends extra Halloween candy to troops overseas. This year, DuVall penguins will be sending the troops Christmas stockings along with extra Halloween candy! Every grade has been assigned something different to donate for the stocking. Kindergarten has been asked to donate travel size tissues and travel size wet wipes. If you can and would like to help donate to the troops, please send in these items (travel size tissue and wet wipes, and extra candy) by Friday, Nov 2nd. Or, place a monetary donation in an envelope with the name of the student label the envelope “donation for Christmas stockings.” Thank you in advance for all your help and support!

-The DuVall Staff and Students

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