Week of 10-22-2017

Image result for fall pictures

Greetings families of room 106! I hope this message finds you all well and staying warm and dry. We had such a exciting week last week at the apple orchard and I wanted to thank our chaperones for all their hard work on the field trip. Thank you moms for sharing these adorable pictures with us! If there are any more you’d like to share please feel free to email them to me 🙂 I also wanted to THANK all the parents who have volunteered to bring things for our classroom Halloween party. You are so generous and we thank you so much! We are also getting a new little penguin tomorrow morning! Please help us welcome Hussein Jaber and his family to our classroom 🙂 Welcome Jaber family to DuVall, you are going to LOVE it here and our wonderful little family in room 106. If there are any new announcements or reminders I’ll be sure to write as the week progresses! Have a wonderful week…

*Letters of the Week: P, E

*Words of the Week: my, he

*Reminder: Kindergarten will have no school this Friday October 26th, 2018! Teachers have a meeting and only KDG will stay home and will not be participating in the popcorn sales until next week! If your child has an older sibling at DuVall they can order through them!

*Media Check out: Tuesday morning


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